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  • HikariTJU's avatar
    [Feature]: Add Localization Distillation for Object Detection (#4758) · ecb4a07c
    HikariTJU authored
    * add Localization Distillation for Object Detection
    * fix lint
    * fix lint
    * fix lint
    * fix lint
    * fix lint
    * fix config
    * add kd detector
    * edit loss name
    * overide setattr but failed
    * move init_detector into init
    * seperate ld and gfocal, fix unused param error
    * small fix
    * small fix
    * add test, reload magic function, create
    * del teacher model warnings
    * fix reference
    * add ignored bbox test fix docstring
    * small fix
    * docstring fix
    * change names
    * fix
    * fix
    * fix test
    * fix import
    * fix
    * docstring fix
    * fix
    * retest
    * add test
    * docstring fix