diff --git a/asci_to_vault.py b/asci_to_vault.py
index feb726f20b4650f7f9b9d3aecdf967f01863487b..555ec60a8bd95fe93bde02da7834a80c1776b0e4 100644
--- a/asci_to_vault.py
+++ b/asci_to_vault.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Note that current version creates two files in the same directory as this script
 1. A .log file named based on the start-time timestamp which is a capture of all
    stdout activity.
 2. A Python pickle file named tree_state.pickle that contains the transfer state
-   from which failed transfers can be restarted by setting the read_pickle_file
+   from which failed transfers can be restarted by setting the resume
    file to True.
 Known issues
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Logger(object):
-def send_directory(node):
+def send_directory(node, remote_login, src_path):
     """Sends all files in the node.src directory to the node.dest directory
     across an ssh connection.
@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ def send_directory(node):
             dest: full path to a destination node
                   e.g. /home/grub0002/bapcxi/vault/imbl2018
             count: number of files at the remote node
+        remote_login: str
+            remote login username@url
+        src_path: str
+            asci src top-level directory
     # Check if there are any files in the node.
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ def send_directory(node):
         print("stdout:", output.stdout)
         print("stderr:", output.stderr)
-        os.chmod(f"{node.dest}/{files}", 0o550)
+        # os.chmod(f"{node.dest}/{files}", 0o550)
         print(f"Transferred single file {node.src} -> {node.dest}")
         # More than one file. Transfer all files to a tarball.
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ def send_directory(node):
         print("stdout:", output.stdout)
         print("stderr:", output.stderr)
-        os.chmod(f"{node.dest}/{filename}.tar", 0o550)
+        # os.chmod(f"{node.dest}/{filename}.tar", 0o550)
         print(f"Transferred {node.count} files {node.src} -> {node.dest}")
     node.processed = True
@@ -150,14 +154,16 @@ def send_directory(node):
 @click.argument("src_path", type=click.Path())
 @click.argument("dest_path", type=click.Path())
 @click.option("-p","pickle_filename", help="Pickle filename, e.g. 'foo.pickle' (default = experiment_name.pickle")
-@click.option("-r","read_pickle_file",is_flag=True, help="If True, continue from current pickle state")
+@click.option("-r","resume",is_flag=True, help="If True, continue from current pickle state")
+@click.option("-d","display_pickle_file",is_flag=True, help="If True, just show the pickle file state")
 def main(
-    read_pickle_file
+    resume,
+    display_pickle_file
@@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ def main(
     1. A .log file named based on the start-time timestamp which is a capture of all
     stdout activity.
     2. A Python pickle file named tree_state.pickle that contains the transfer state
-    from which failed transfers can be restarted by setting the read_pickle_file
+    from which failed transfers can be restarted by setting the resume
     file to True.
@@ -233,25 +239,30 @@ def main(
         src_path = {src_path}
         dest_path = {dest_path}
         pickle_filename = {pickle_filename}
-        read_pickle_file = {read_pickle_file}
+        resume = {resume}
+        display_pickle_file = {display_pickle_file}
-    # If the read_pickle_file flag is set, resume the transfer.
-    if read_pickle_file:
+    # If the resume flag is set, resume the transfer.
+    if resume or display_pickle_file:
         # Read the saved transfer state from the locally pickled tree object.
         with open(pickle_filename, "rb") as f: 
             tree = pickle.load(f)
-        # Reset nodes at the end of the list with count==0 to unprocessed
-        # This is done because we observed a failure that mistakenly reported
-        # source tree nodes to have 0 files, so force a recheck of those.
-        for node in reversed(tree):
-            if node.count == 0:
-                node.processed = False
-            else:
-                break
+        if display_pickle_file:
+            sys.exit()
+        if resume:
+            # Reset nodes at the end of the list with count==0 to unprocessed
+            # This is done because we observed a failure that mistakenly reported
+            # source tree nodes to have 0 files, so force a recheck of those.
+            for node in reversed(tree):
+                if node.count == 0:
+                    node.processed = False
+                else:
+                    break
         # Get the directory tree from the remote server as a list.
         with Connection(remote_login) as c:
@@ -268,11 +279,9 @@ def main(
     # Transfer all directory tree nodes.
     for i, node in enumerate(tree):
         if not node.processed:
-            print(pathlib.Path(node.dest))
-            1/0
             pathlib.Path(node.dest).mkdir(mode=0o770, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-            os.chmod(node.dest, 0o770)
-            send_directory(node)
+            # os.chmod(node.dest, 0o770)
+            send_directory(node, remote_login, src_path)
         # pickle the tree to keep a record of the processed state.
         with open(pickle_filename, "wb") as f: