From 0e20caa0ecadc92093f73fb21a15eb88088fcd95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Gary Ruben (Monash University)" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 14:16:05 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] Changed to use commandline instead of hardcoded options

--- | 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d1b863d..feb726f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 A script to transfer a tree of data files from a remote/source server to a
-local/destination computer. This runs on the local Linux machine, on which the
-tape archive system is mounted; in our case, this is a machine at Monash. Prior
-to running this an ssh key pair must be shared between the systems. See
+local/destination computer. This runs on a local Linux machine or the eResearch dtn, on
+which the tape archive system is mounted; in our case, this is a machine at Monash.
+Prior to running this an ssh key pair must be shared between the systems. See
 for details on how to do this between a Monash Linux machine and ASCI
 (Australian Synchrotron Compute Infrastructure). Requires Python 3.7 or higher
@@ -11,25 +11,25 @@ and uses the fabric module.
 Note that current version creates two files in the same directory as this script
 1. A .log file named based on the start-time timestamp which is a capture of all
    stdout activity.
 2. A Python pickle file named tree_state.pickle that contains the transfer state
-   from which failed transfers can be restarted by setting the READ_PICKLE_FILE
+   from which failed transfers can be restarted by setting the read_pickle_file
    file to True.
 Known issues
 Note: The current version of fabric generates harmless warnings. This issue is
-      discussed
- here:
+      discussed here:
 This is a possible option for checksumming:
-KERNEL_CHECKSUM=$(cpio --to-stdout -i kernel.fat16 < archive.cpio  | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')
+KERNEL_CHECKSUM=$(cpio --to-stdout -i kernel.fat16 < archive.cpio  | sha256sum | awk "{print $1}")
 We used the following command to check whether a transfer was successful
 immediately prior to a failure of the ASCI filesystem.
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 import os
+import re
 import sys
 import warnings
 from dataclasses import dataclass
@@ -50,22 +51,11 @@ import subprocess
 import pickle
 import pprint
 import time
+import click
+import textwrap
 from fabric import Connection
-PICKLE_FILENAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tree_state.pickle")
-timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")
-LOG_FILENAME = os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__),
-    f"{EXPERIMENT_NAME}-{timestamp}.log"
-SRC_PATH = f"/data/{EXPERIMENT_NAME}/asci/output"
-DEST_PATH = "/home/grub0002/bapcxi/vault/IMBL_2018_Oct_McGillick/output"
 class Node:
     """A directory tree node"""
@@ -76,9 +66,9 @@ class Node:
 class Logger(object):
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, log_filename):
         self.terminal = sys.stdout
-        self.log = open(LOG_FILENAME, "a")
+        self.log = open(log_filename, "a")
     def write(self, message):
@@ -96,7 +86,7 @@ def send_directory(node):
     Different methods are used for single versus multiple files. For single
     files, scp is used. For multiple files cpio is used to tar the files into a
     single tarball. The destination tarball is named after the directories
-    trailing SRC_PATH. Permissions are set to r_x for group and owner.
+    trailing src_path. Permissions are set to r_x for group and owner.
         node: Node object
@@ -109,7 +99,7 @@ def send_directory(node):
     # Check if there are any files in the node.
-    with Connection(REMOTE_LOGIN) as c:
+    with Connection(remote_login) as c:
         files =
             rf"cd {node.src}; find -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%f\n'",
@@ -117,53 +107,141 @@ def send_directory(node):
         files = files.stdout.strip()
     node.count = len(files.splitlines())
-    print(f'Node:{node.src}, file count:{node.count}')
+    print(f"Node:{node.src}, file count:{node.count}")
     if node.count == 0:
         # No files at this node, just return
-        print('No files to transfer')
+        print("No files to transfer")
     elif node.count == 1:
         # Only one file. Just copy unchanged.
         output =
-            f"scp -q {REMOTE_LOGIN}:{node.src}/{files} {node.dest}",
+            f"scp -q {remote_login}:{node.src}/{files} {node.dest}",
-        print('stdout:', output.stdout)
-        print('stderr:', output.stderr)
-        os.chmod(f'{node.dest}/{files}', 0o550)
-        print(f'Transferred single file {node.src} -> {node.dest}')
+        print("stdout:", output.stdout)
+        print("stderr:", output.stderr)
+        os.chmod(f"{node.dest}/{files}", 0o550)
+        print(f"Transferred single file {node.src} -> {node.dest}")
         # More than one file. Transfer all files to a tarball.
-        if node.src == SRC_PATH:
+        if node.src == src_path:
             filename = os.path.basename(node.src)
-            filename = node.src.replace(SRC_PATH+'/', '').replace('/', '_')
+            filename = node.src.replace(src_path+"/", "").replace("/", "_")
         output =
-            f"ssh {REMOTE_LOGIN} 'cd {node.src};"
+            f"ssh {remote_login} 'cd {node.src};"
             f"find -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 |"
             f"cpio -o -H ustar -0' | cat > {node.dest}/{filename}.tar",
-        print('stdout:', output.stdout)
-        print('stderr:', output.stderr)
-        os.chmod(f'{node.dest}/{filename}.tar', 0o550)
-        print(f'Transferred {node.count} files {node.src} -> {node.dest}')
+        print("stdout:", output.stdout)
+        print("stderr:", output.stderr)
+        os.chmod(f"{node.dest}/{filename}.tar", 0o550)
+        print(f"Transferred {node.count} files {node.src} -> {node.dest}")
     node.processed = True
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.stdout = Logger()       # Log all stdout to a log file
+@click.argument("src_path", type=click.Path())
+@click.argument("dest_path", type=click.Path())
+@click.option("-p","pickle_filename", help="Pickle filename, e.g. 'foo.pickle' (default = experiment_name.pickle")
+@click.option("-r","read_pickle_file",is_flag=True, help="If True, continue from current pickle state")
+def main(
+    remote_login,
+    experiment_name,
+    src_path,
+    dest_path,
+    pickle_filename,
+    read_pickle_file
+    """
+    \b
+    Example
+    -------
+    $ python 15223 /data/15223/asci/input /home/gruben/vault/vault/IMBL/IMBL_2019_Nov_Croton/input
+    A script to transfer a tree of data files from a remote/source server to a
+    local/destination computer. This runs on a local Linux machine or the eResearch dtn, on
+    which the tape archive system is mounted; in our case, this is a machine at Monash.
+    Prior to running this an ssh key pair must be shared between the systems. See
+    for details on how to do this between a Monash Linux machine and ASCI
+    (Australian Synchrotron Compute Infrastructure). Requires Python 3.7 or higher
+    and uses the fabric module.
+    Note that current version creates two files in the same directory as this script
+    1. A .log file named based on the start-time timestamp which is a capture of all
+    stdout activity.
+    2. A Python pickle file named tree_state.pickle that contains the transfer state
+    from which failed transfers can be restarted by setting the read_pickle_file
+    file to True.
+    """
+    assert 5 <= len(experiment_name) <= 6
+    if pickle_filename is None:
+        pickle_filename = experiment_name+".pickle"
+    path, base = os.path.split(pickle_filename)
+    if path == "":
+        pickle_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), pickle_filename)
+    timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")
+    log_filename = os.path.join(
+        os.path.dirname(__file__),
+        f"{experiment_name}-{timestamp}.log"
+    )
+    if re.fullmatch(r"[a-zA-z0-9_\-\.@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+", remote_login) is None:
+        raise Exception("Invalid form for login address")
-    # A hacky way to restart an interrupted transfer is to set
-    # READ_PICKLE_FILE = True above so that the transfer state is retrieved.
+    """
+    Possible file name formats:
+    /data/<experiment number>/asci/input
+    /data/<experiment number>/asci/output
+    input
+    output
+    output/username/working/
+    output/username/working
+    """
+    src_file_path = src_path.split("/")[:5]
+    if src_file_path[0] == "":
+        # Assume full path specified
+        assert "/".join(src_file_path[:4]) == f"/data/{experiment_name}/asci"
+        assert src_file_path[4] == "input" or src_file_path[4] == "output"
+    else:
+        assert src_file_path[0] == "input" or src_file_path[0] == "output"
+        src_path = os.path.join(f"/data/{experiment_name}/asci/", *src_file_path)
+    # remote_login = ""
+    # src_path = f"/data/{experiment_name}/asci/output"
+    # dest_path = "/home/grub0002/bapcxi/vault/IMBL_2018_Oct_McGillick/output"
+    sys.stdout = Logger(log_filename)       # Log all stdout to a log file
+    print(textwrap.dedent(f"""
+        remote_login = {remote_login}
+        experiment_name = {experiment_name}
+        src_path = {src_path}
+        dest_path = {dest_path}
+        pickle_filename = {pickle_filename}
+        read_pickle_file = {read_pickle_file}
+    """))
+    # If the read_pickle_file flag is set, resume the transfer.
+    if read_pickle_file:
         # Read the saved transfer state from the locally pickled tree object.
-        with open(PICKLE_FILENAME, 'rb') as f: 
+        with open(pickle_filename, "rb") as f: 
             tree = pickle.load(f)
-        print('tree:')
+        print("tree:")
         # Reset nodes at the end of the list with count==0 to unprocessed
@@ -176,26 +254,32 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # Get the directory tree from the remote server as a list.
-        with Connection(REMOTE_LOGIN) as c:
-            result ='find {SRC_PATH} -type d')
+        with Connection(remote_login) as c:
+            result ="find {src_path} -type d")
         remote_dirs = result.stdout.strip().splitlines()
         # Create a tree data structure that represents both source and
         # destination tree paths.
         tree = []
         for src in remote_dirs:
-            dest = src.replace(SRC_PATH, DEST_PATH)
+            dest = src.replace(src_path, dest_path)
             tree.append(Node(src, dest))
     # Transfer all directory tree nodes.
     for i, node in enumerate(tree):
         if not node.processed:
-            pathlib.Path(node.dest).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+            print(pathlib.Path(node.dest))
+            1/0
+            pathlib.Path(node.dest).mkdir(mode=0o770, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
             os.chmod(node.dest, 0o770)
         # pickle the tree to keep a record of the processed state.
-        with open(PICKLE_FILENAME, 'wb') as f:
+        with open(pickle_filename, "wb") as f:
             pickle.dump(tree, f)
         print(f"Processed {i + 1} of {len(tree)} directory tree nodes")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()