diff --git a/roles/nfs-client/tasks/mountFileSystem.yml b/roles/nfs-client/tasks/mountFileSystem.yml
index 76506d50b7aca86aade2223e878aa49dde71c8f3..80d53d356deaace73a106d551aacc32b54adbac6 100644
--- a/roles/nfs-client/tasks/mountFileSystem.yml
+++ b/roles/nfs-client/tasks/mountFileSystem.yml
@@ -1,38 +1,9 @@
-- name: "stop fail2ban"
-  service: name=fail2ban state=stopped
-  sudo: true
-- name: "Check NFS mount, it may not be necessary, just in case if the following role does actively re-mount"
-  shell: mountpoint -q {{ nfsMounts[0].name }} 
-  register: mount_state
-  ignore_errors: true
-  when: nfsMounts is defined
 - name: "Mounting NFS mounts"
   mount: name={{ item.name }} src="{{ item.ipv4 }}:{{ item.src }}" fstype={{ item.fstype }} opts={{ item.opts }} state=mounted
   with_items: "{{ nfsMounts }}"
-  notify: "restart rpcbind"
-  notify: "restart idmap"
   sudo: true 
   ignore_errors: true
   register: firstMount
-  when: nfsMounts is defined and mount_state | failed
-- name: "Wait for nfs to stabailse"
-  command: sleep 60
-  delegate_to:
-  when: firstMount | failed
-- name: "Mounting NFS mounts after failure"
-  mount: name={{ item.name }} src="{{ item.ipv4 }}:{{ item.src }}" fstype={{ item.fstype }} opts={{ item.opts }} state=mounted
-  with_items: "{{ nfsMounts }}"
-  notify: "restart idmap"
-  notify: "restart rpcbind"
-  sudo: true 
-  when: nfsMounts is defined and firstMount is defined and firstMount | failed
-- name: "restart fail2ban"
-  service: name=fail2ban state=started
-  sudo: true
+  when: nfsMounts is defined