From 726af961a92571acf2ebf206a1f74b8c33db6583 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: handreas <>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 09:11:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] updating server rebuild

 CICD/heat/ | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/CICD/heat/ b/CICD/heat/
index 2e9aa620..00420602 100755
--- a/CICD/heat/
+++ b/CICD/heat/
@@ -38,12 +38,15 @@ host_group_mapping=$(openstack server list --long -f json | python3 -c "import j
 # all available ansible_host_groups
 available_groups=$(echo $host_group_mapping |  python3 -c "import json,sys;mapping=json.load(sys.stdin);output=[];[output.extend(v) for v in mapping.values()];print(output)" | tr -d "[',]")
+echo "available groups are $available_groups"
 # if the first input parameter is all then rebuild all groups
 if [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then
 echo "going to update group $NODETYPES"
-server_list=$(echo $host_group_mapping | python3 -c "import json,sys;mapping=json.load(sys.stdin);avail_groups='$available_groups'.split();print([k for k in mapping.keys() if len(set(mapping[k]).intersection(set(avail_groups))) > 0])" | tr -d "[,]'" | xargs -n1 | sort -u)
+server_list=$(echo $host_group_mapping | python3 -c "import json,sys;mapping=json.load(sys.stdin);node_types='$NODETYPES'.split();output=[k for k in mapping.keys() if len(set(mapping[k]).intersection(set(node_types))) > 0];print(output)" | tr -d "[,]'" | xargs -n1 | sort -u)
+echo "server list is $server_list"
     echo "rebuilding server $1"
     openstack server rebuild --wait $1