diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 48993503ea087b304d8d3ef8fc8b86ac0c4240a2..5704eb68e50b7d4b2bf24fe1ac7690ed54c31144 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ansible_create_cluster_stage:
     - echo "ansible_create_cluster_stage"
     - bash -x ./CICD/ansible_create_cluster_script.sh
-    #- rm ./files/cicd_inventory
+    #- rm ./files/inventory.$STACKNAME
   #  changes: #https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#onlychangesexceptchanges
   #  - "master_playbook.yml"
@@ -124,24 +124,29 @@ tests:
     - echo "$HPCCICD_openrc" > ./$NECTAR_ALLOCATION-openrc.sh
     - echo "tests stage"
     - source ./$NECTAR_ALLOCATION-openrc.sh
-    - python3 dependencies/ansible_cluster_in_a_box/scripts/make_inventory.py static CICD$STACKNAME | tee ./files/cicd_inventory
-    - grep -qv "I could not find any resouces tagged with project_name:" ./files/cicd_inventory   #fail if inventory file is empty
-    - chmod 755 ./files/cicd_inventory
-    - chmod 400 ./keys/gc_key.pem
-    - ansible -B 30 -i files/cicd_inventory --key-file keys/gc_key.pem -a "sinfo" ManagementNodes
-    - ansible -B 30 -i files/cicd_inventory --key-file keys/gc_key.pem -a "squeue" ManagementNodes
-    - ansible -B 30 -i files/cicd_inventory --key-file keys/gc_key.pem -a "systemctl is-active --quiet mariadb" SQLNodes
-    - ansible -B 30 -i files/cicd_inventory --key-file keys/gc_key.pem -a "systemctl is-active --quiet slurmctld" ManagementNodes
-    - ansible -B 30 -i files/cicd_inventory --key-file keys/gc_key.pem -a "systemctl is-active --quiet slurmdbd" ManagementNodes
+    - openstack stack list
+    - cd CICD
+    - echo "[ansible_create_cluster_script] Prefixing the Stackname with CICD because heatcicdwrapper does he same"
+    - python3 ../scripts/make_inventory.py static $STACKNAME | tee ./files/inventory.$STACKNAME && chmod 755 ./files/inventory.$STACKNAME
+    - grep -qv "I could not find any resouces tagged with project_name:" ./files/inventory.$STACKNAME   #fail if inventory file is empty
+    - ansible -m ping -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem all
+    - ansible -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem -a "sudo ls" all
+    - ansible -B 30 -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem -a "sinfo" ManagementNodes
+    - ansible -B 30 -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem -a "squeue" ManagementNodes
+    - ansible -B 30 -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem -a "systemctl is-active --quiet mariadb" SQLNodes
+    - ansible -B 30 -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem -a "systemctl is-active --quiet slurmctld" ManagementNodes
+    - ansible -B 30 -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem -a "systemctl is-active --quiet slurmdbd" ManagementNodes
-    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh all "files/cicd_inventory" "keys/gc_key.pem"
-    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh ComputeNodes "files/cicd_inventory" "keys/gc_key.pem"
-    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh LoginNodes "files/cicd_inventory" "keys/gc_key.pem"
-    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh ManagementNodes "files/cicd_inventory" "keys/gc_key.pem"
-    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh NFSNodes "files/cicd_inventory" "keys/gc_key.pem"
-    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh SQLNodes "files/cicd_inventory" "keys/gc_key.pem"
+    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh all "files/inventory.$STACKNAME" "../gc_key.pem"
+    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh ComputeNodes "files/inventory.$STACKNAME" "../gc_key.pem"
+    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh LoginNodes "files/inventory.$STACKNAME" "../gc_key.pem"
+    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh ManagementNodes "files/inventory.$STACKNAME" "../gc_key.pem"
+    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh NFSNodes "files/inventory.$STACKNAME" "../gc_key.pem"
+    - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh SQLNodes "files/inventory.$STACKNAME" "../gc_key.pem"
     # licensing https://gitlab.erc.monash.edu.au/hpc-team/license_server/tree/master/roles/avizo_license_monitor
@@ -172,7 +177,7 @@ manual_cluster_spawn:
   when: manual 
-      - "devel"
+      - "cicd"
   stage: extended
diff --git a/CICD/tests/LoginNodes/run_slurm_testsuite.inactive b/CICD/tests/LoginNodes/run_slurm_testsuite.inactive
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5d2f24f1f3cf99c3f7481f3bc467907444425d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CICD/tests/LoginNodes/run_slurm_testsuite.inactive
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+OUTPUT_LOG=$(realpath ${1-slurmtest.out})
+if ! type "scontrol" > /dev/null; then
+	echo "cannot find slurm"
+	exit 1
+SLURM_DIR=${2-$(dirname $(dirname $(which scontrol)))}
+#if [[ -d $2 ]];then
+#    SLURM_SRC_DIR=$2    
+#    SLURM_SRC_DIR=./slurm_src
+#    git clone https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm.git $SLURM_SRC_DIR
+#    cd $SLURM_SRC_DIR && ./configure
+#cd $SLURM_SRC_DIR/testsuite/expect
+#echo -en "set slurm_dir=$SLURM_DIR\nset max_job_delay 300\n" > globals.local
+#echo "log is written to $OUTPUT_LOG"
+#echo "slurm dir is defined as $SLURM_DIR"
+./regression > /dev/null 2> $OUTPUT_LOG
+failures="$(sed -n 's/Failures:   \(.*\)/\1/p' $OUTPUT_LOG)"
+if (( $failures > 0 ));then
+	echo "$failures failures found, refer to $OUTPUT_LOG for log"
+	exit 1
+exit 0
diff --git a/CICD/tests/ManagementNodes/check.yml b/CICD/tests/ManagementNodes/check.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95e06a0a034c32c5e8ae30c2a58c40e10a738afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CICD/tests/ManagementNodes/check.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+- hosts: ManagementNodes
+  gather_facts: false
+  tasks:
+  - name: have ssh running
+    service:
+      name: sshd
+      state: started
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CICD/tests/Readme.md b/CICD/tests/Readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..feca06268d107c2aeae9a6a8f61a2ed59e8648bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CICD/tests/Readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+this folder should contain tests that will be run automatically by the CICD pipeline
+all files with fileending .sh will be executed by a shell
+all files with fileending yml will be executed by ansible-playbook
+./tmp can be used as temporary folder and will be cleaned after execution
+because I can I am prefixing tests with 0-9 to give the execution some priority
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CICD/tests/all/0_EXAMPLE_FALSE.sh b/CICD/tests/all/0_EXAMPLE_FALSE.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10c48607688d030fbbf054b1046e18d431b869c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CICD/tests/all/0_EXAMPLE_FALSE.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[ $status -eq 1 ] 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CICD/tests/all/0_EXAMPLE_TRUE.sh b/CICD/tests/all/0_EXAMPLE_TRUE.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3634c7aa3076c2e8cd2159aca337adb35f1f31cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CICD/tests/all/0_EXAMPLE_TRUE.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+[ $status -eq 0 ] 
diff --git a/CICD/tests/run_tests.sh b/CICD/tests/run_tests.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d063e98d1d7e4617882bb14a5e1c51d9e8cda381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CICD/tests/run_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+function usage {
+    echo $"Usage: $0 {all, ComputeNodes, LoginNodes, ManagementNodes, NFSNodes, sql}" INVENTORY_FILE KEY
+    exit 1
+function run_them () 
+    #limit='--limit '"$1"
+    #if [ "$1" = "all" ]
+    #then
+    #  limit="all"
+    #fi
+    for filename in ./tests/$1/*.sh; do   # this is not sorted yet
+        [ -e "$filename" ] || continue
+        #/bin/bash -x $filename # local execution. nice for dev
+        ansible -i $2 --key-file $3 -m script -a "$filename" $1
+    done
+    for filename in ./tests/$1/*.yml; do   # this is not sorted yet
+        [ -e "$filename" ] || continue
+        ansible-playbook -i $2 --key-file $3 $filename # I am assuming the playbook cares about visibility here. might have to change later
+    done
+# I think I am just checking the if $1 is one of the listes strings (see usage) not proud of this at all but works
+case "$1" in
+        all)
+        ;;
+        ComputeNodes)
+        ;;
+        ManagementNodes)
+        ;;
+        NFSNodes)
+        ;;
+        SQLNodes)
+        ;;
+        LoginNodes)
+        ;;
+        *)
+        usage
+run_them $1 $2 $3
\ No newline at end of file