diff --git a/roles/mysql/tasks/CentOS_7_mysql_server.yml b/roles/mysql/tasks/CentOS_7_mysql_server.yml
index b01abeb4b68068df19e8928fe64f57eac15f7353..f129eccf328aeb79e5cb75b09e281511bbe2b1a0 100644
--- a/roles/mysql/tasks/CentOS_7_mysql_server.yml
+++ b/roles/mysql/tasks/CentOS_7_mysql_server.yml
@@ -52,7 +52,16 @@
   mysql_user: name={{ mysql_user_name }} host={{ mysql_user_host }} password={{ mysql_user_password }} login_user=root login_password={{ mysql_root_password }} priv={{ mysql_user_db_name }}.*:ALL,GRANT state=present
   when: mysql_user_host is defined
-- name: "Giving priviliges to user with fqdn"
+- name: "Giving priviliges to user with shortname"
+  mysql_user: name={{ mysql_user_name }} host={{ item }} password={{ mysql_user_password }} login_user=root login_password={{ mysql_root_password }} priv={{ mysql_user_db_name }}.*:ALL,GRANT state=present
+  with_items: "{{ mysql_user_hosts_group }}"
+  when: mysql_user_hosts_group is defined  
+- name: "Giving priviliges to user with hardcoded hostname"
+  mysql_user: name={{ mysql_user_name }} host='HARDCODE YOUR HOSTNAME' password={{ mysql_user_password }} login_user=root login_password={{ mysql_root_password }} priv={{ mysql_user_db_name }}.*:ALL,GRANT state=present
+  tags: [never]
+- name: "Giving priviliges to user with fdqn works only when run with --limit=ManagementNodes,SQLNodes"
   mysql_user: name={{ mysql_user_name }} host={{ hostvars[item].ansible_fqdn }} password={{ mysql_user_password }} login_user=root login_password={{ mysql_root_password }} priv={{ mysql_user_db_name }}.*:ALL,GRANT state=present
   with_items: "{{ mysql_user_hosts_group }}"
   when: mysql_user_hosts_group is defined
@@ -65,3 +74,8 @@
 - name: "Giving priviliges to user with item.domain"
   mysql_user: name={{ mysql_user_name }} host="{{ item }}.{{ domain }}" password={{ mysql_user_password }} login_user=root login_password={{ mysql_root_password }} priv={{ mysql_user_db_name }}.*:ALL,GRANT state=present
   with_items: "{{ mysql_user_hosts_group }}"
+- debug:
+    msg: "{{ hostvars[item].ansible_fqdn }}"
+  with_items: "{{ mysql_user_hosts_group }}"
+  tags: [never]