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  • hpc-team/HPCasCode
  • chines/ansible_cluster_in_a_box
2 results
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with 160 additions and 158 deletions
ldapServerHostIpLine: ""
ldapCaCertSrc: "/tmp/m1-w-ca.pem"
countryName: "AU"
reginalName: "Victoria"
cityName: "Melbourne"
organizationName: "Monash University"
emailAddress: ""
organizationUnit: "MASSIVE"
x509_cert_file: "/etc/openvpn/certs/{{ x509_ca_server }}.crt"
x509_key_file: "/etc/openvpn/private/{{ x509_ca_server }}.key"
x509_cacert_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca_{{ x509_ca_server }}.crt"
###x509_common_name: "{{ x509_ca_server }}CommonName"
x509_common_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
x509_csr_args: "--server"
x509_sign_args: "{{ x509_csr_args }}"
dhparms_file: "/etc/openvpn/private/dh.pem"
server_network: ""
server_netmask: ""
slurm_version: 14.11.2
munge_version: 0.5.11
userRelocationName: "ec2-user"
userNewHome: "/local_home"
#nfs_type: "nfs4"
#nfs_options: "defaults"
#nfs_server: ""
ldapServerHost: ""
ldapDomain: ""
ldapURI: "ldaps://"
ldapBindDN: "cn=ldapbind,cn=users,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au"
ldapBase: "cn=users,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au"
ldapUserClass: "user"
ldapUserHomeDirectory: "unixHomeDirectory"
ldapUserPricipal: "userPrincipalName"
ldapGroupBase: "ou=groups,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au"
tlsCaCertDirectory: "/etc/openldap/certs"
ldapCaCertFile: "/etc/openldap/certs/m1-w-ca.pem"
ldapCaCertFileSource: "/tmp/cvl2server/m1-w-ca.pem"
cacertFile: "cacert.pem"
#domain: ""
domain: ""
ldapRfc2307: |
ldap_schema = rfc2307
ldap_search_base = cn=users,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au
ldap_user_search_base = cn=users,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au
ldap_user_object_class = user
ldap_user_home_directory = unixHomeDirectory
ldap_user_principal = userPrincipalName
ldap_user_name = uid
ldap_group_search_base = ou=groups,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au
ldap_group_object_class = group
ldap_access_order = expire
ldap_account_expire_policy = ad
ldapRfc2307Pam: |
scope sub
nss_base_passwd cn=users,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au?sub
nss_base_shadow cn=users,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au?sub
nss_base_group cn=users,dc=massive,dc=org,dc=au?sub
nss_map_objectclass posixAccount user
nss_map_objectclass shadowAccount user
nss_map_objectclass posixGroup group
nss_map_attribute homeDirectory unixHomeDirectory
nss_map_attribute uniqueMember member
nss_map_attribute shadowLastChange pwdLastSet
pam_login_attribute sAMAccountName
pam_filter objectClass=User
pam_password ad
importRepo: { command: "wget -O", destination: "/etc/yum.repos.d/cvl.repo" }
# - CVL Pre-installation
# - CVL Base Packages
# - CVL System
# - CVL System Extension
# - CVL General Imaging Tools
Files in the playbook directory should be used as examples for the reference only.
description: " A simple template to boot a 3 node cluster"
heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
type: string
label: Image ID
description: Image to be used for compute instance
default: a5e74703-f343-415a-aa23-bd0f0aacfc9e
type: string
label: Key Name
description: Name of key-pair to be used for compute instance
default: shahaan
type: string
label: Availability Zone
description: Availability Zone to be used for launching compute instance
default: monash-01
type: "OS::Heat::ResourceGroup"
count: 2
type: "OS::Nova::Server"
availability_zone: { get_param: availability_z }
flavor: m1.small
image: { get_param: image_id }
key_name: { get_param: key_name }
ansible_host_group: computeNodes
ansible_ssh_user: ec2-user
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /home/sgeadmin/.ssh/shahaan.pem
type: "OS::Heat::ResourceGroup"
count: 1
type: headNode.yaml
#- hosts: 'all'
#gather_facts: false # not sure if false is clever here
#- include_vars: vars/ldapConfig.yml
#- include_vars: vars/filesystems.yml
#- include_vars: vars/slurm.yml
#- include_vars: vars/vars.yml
#- { name: set use shared state, set_fact: usesharedstatedir=False }
#tags: [ always ]
# this playbook is roughly sorted by
# - hostgroupstopics like ComputeNodes or ComputeNodes,LoginNodes, last VisNodes
# - "tag_groups" each starting after a #comment see #misc or misc tag
- hosts: 'ComputeNodes'
gather_facts: false
# these are just templates.
#Note the tag never! Everything with never is only executed if called explicitly aka ansible-playbook --tags=foo,bar OR -tags=tag_group
- { name: template_shell, shell: ls, tags: [never,tag_group,uniquetag_foo] }
- { name: template_command, command: uname chdir=/bin, tags: [never,tag_group,uniquetag_bar] }
- { name: template_scipt, script: ./scripts/qa/, tags: [never,tag_group,uniquetag_script] }
#mpi stuff
- { name: run mpi on one computenode, command: ls, args: {chdir: "/tmp"} , failed_when: "TODO is TRUE", tags: [never,mpi,mpi_local,TODO] }
- { name: run mpi on two computenode, command: ls, args: {chdir: "/tmp"} , failed_when: "TODO is TRUE", tags: [never,mpi,mpi_local_two,TODO] }
#- { name: run mpi via sbatch, command: cmd=ls chdir="/tmp" , failed_when: "TODO is TRUE", tags: [never,mpi,slurm_mpi,TODO] }
#- { name: mpi_pinging, command: cmd=ls chdir="/tmp" , failed_when: "TODO is TRUE", tags: [never,mpi,mpi_ping,TODO] }
#module load openmpi/3.1.6-ucx;mpirun --mca btl self --mca pml ucx -x UCX_TLS=mm -n 24 /projects/pMOSP/mpi/parallel_mandelbrot/parallel/mandelbrot
#module load openmpi/3.1.6-ucx;srun mpirun --mca btl self --mca pml ucx -x UCX_TLS=mm -n 24 /projects/pMOSP/mpi/parallel_mandelbrot/parallel/mandelbrot
- { name: slurmd should be running, service: name=slurmd state=started, tags: [never,slurm,slurmd] }
- { name: munged should be running, service: name=munged state=started, tags: [never,slurm,munged] }
- { name: ensure connectivity to the controller, shell: scontrol ping, tags: [never,slurm,scontrol_ping] }
- { name: the most simple srun test, shell: srun --reservation=AWX hostname, tags: [never,slurm,srun_hostname] }
#nhc, manually run nhc because it contains many tests
- { name: run nhc explicitly, command: /opt/nhc-1.4.2/sbin/nhc -c /opt/nhc-1.4.2/etc/nhc/nhc.conf, become: true , tags: [never,slurm,nhc] }
# networking
- { name: ping license server, shell: ls, tags: [never,network,ping_license] }
- { name: ping something outside monash, command: ping -c 1, tags: [never,network,ping_external] }
- hosts: 'ComputeNodes,LoginNodes'
gather_facts: false
- { name: check mount for usr_local, shell: "mount | grep -q local", tags: [never,mountpoints,mountpoints_local] }
- { name: check mount for projects, shell: "lfs df -h", tags: [never,mountpoints_projects] }
- { name: check mount for home, shell: "mount | grep -q home", tags: [never,mountpoints,mountpoints_home] }
- { name: check mount for scratch, shell: "mount | grep -q scratch" , tags: [never,mountpoints_scratch] }
- { name: check singularity, shell: module load octave && octave --version, tags: [never,misc,singularity3] }
- { name: module test, shell: cmd="module load gcc" executable="/bin/bash", tags: [never,misc,modulecmd] }
- { name: contact ldap, shell: maybe test ldapsearch, failed_when: "TODO is TRUE", tags: [never,misc,ldap,TODO] }
- hosts: 'VisNodes'
gather_facts: false
- { name: run nvida-smi to see if a gpu driver is present, command: "/bin/nvidia-smi", tags: [never,gpu,smi] }
- { name: run gpu burn defaults to 30 seconds, command: "/usr/local/gpu_burn/1.0/", tags: [never,gpu,long,gpuburn] }
# extended time-consuming tests
# relion see
# linpack
#module load openmpi/1.10.7-mlx;ldd /usr/local/openmpi/1.10.7-mlx/bin/* | grep -ic found
- name: make sure /usr/local/bin exists
file: path=/usr/local/bin state=directory mode=755 owner=root
sudo: true
become: true
- name: install
copy: dest=/usr/local/bin/ mode=755 owner=root
sudo: true
become: true
- name: install mbp_node
copy: src=mbp_node dest=/usr/local/bin/mbp_node mode=755 owner=root
sudo: true
become: true
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- name: restart openvpn
service: name=openvpn state=restarted
sudo: true
become: true
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......@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
include: installOpenVPN.yml
- name: "Start OpenVPN"
service: name=openvpn state=started
sudo: true
service: name=openvpn state=started enabled=yes
become: true
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export PATH=$PATH:{{ additional_paths|join(":") }}
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