
The aim of this repo is to provide a set or ansible roles that can be used to deploy a cluster
We are working from
as our architecture document.

[![pipeline status](](

![Coverage Diagramm](CICD/ChordDiagramm/Chord_Diagramm.png)
A connecting line represents a test coverage of its two endpoints. E.G. Centos8 is only tested on the Cluster_Generic for ComputeNodes

We aim to make these roles as generic as possible. You should be able to start from an inventory file, an ssh key and a git clone of this and end up with a working cluster. In the longer term we might branch to include utilities to make an inventory file using NeCTAR credentials.

If you need a password use (delegated to the passwword server/localhost) to generate a random one that can be shared between nodes
Here is an example task (taken from setting up karaage):
- name: mysql db
  mysql_db: name=karaage login_user=root login_password={{ sqlrootPasswd.stdout }}

- name: karaage sql password
  shell: ~/ karaageSQL
  register: karaageSqlPassword

- name: mysql user
  mysql_user: name='karaage' password={{ item }} priv=karaage.*:ALL state=present login_user=root login_password={{ sqlrootPasswd.stdout }}
  with_items: karaageSqlPassword.stdout

We aim to make these roles run on all common linux platforms (both RedHat and Debian derived) but at the very least they should work on a CentOS 6 install.

Yaml syntax can be checked at