diff --git a/tes/__init__.py b/tes/__init__.py
index 63d92c3a689b36e5b3f9321d297d08e06b9c1d90..ff6d3ba7ef30d73658f3facf0a058b8c628f20c4 100644
--- a/tes/__init__.py
+++ b/tes/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import os
 from flask import Flask, request, session
 from flask_restful import Api, Resource
-#from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
 from .tunnelstat import SSHSession
 app = Flask(__name__)
@@ -17,7 +16,8 @@ app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE'] = None
 app.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] = '/'
 if 'FLASK_ENV' in os.environ and os.environ['FLASK_ENV'] == 'development':
-    app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'notverysecret'
+    #app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'notverysecret'
+    app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = os.urandom(12).hex()
     app.config['DEBUG'] = True
diff --git a/tes/apiendpoints.py b/tes/apiendpoints.py
index e897a07985c89276f26e147b068f998ebf8984e8..3e419bf563640281c70eca0a85bfdea077170011 100644
--- a/tes/apiendpoints.py
+++ b/tes/apiendpoints.py
@@ -180,7 +180,6 @@ class TunnelstatEP(Resource):
 class ContactUs(Resource):
     def post(self):
         import tempfile
-        print(request.get_json())
         data = request.get_json()
         f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b',dir=app.config['MESSAGES'],delete=False)
diff --git a/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py b/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py
index ba596f5030dc398b606726c762c42dba0f09411c..999e26a6a2a649ce27b0d4815f04e8f79e435501 100644
--- a/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py
+++ b/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py
@@ -106,101 +106,110 @@ class Ssh:
         import logging
         logger = logging.getLogger()
-        ctrlsocket = "/tmp/cm-{}-{}".format(user,host)
+        ctrlsocket = "/tmp/cm-{}-{}-{}".format(user,host,sess.sshsessid)
             mode = os.stat(ctrlsocket).st_mode
-            # If the control process died (docker restarted, or otherwise exited) but the socket was not removed:
-            if mode is not None and ctrlsocket not in sess.ctrl_processes:
-                os.unlink(ctrlsocket)
-                mode = None
-            if mode is not None and sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket].returncode is not None:
-                ctrl_p = sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket]
-                logger.debug('The control socket exists, but the process has returned {}'.format(ctrl_p.returncode))
-                (stderr,stdout) = ctrl_p.communicate()
-                logger.debug('ctrl_p stderr {}'.format(stderr))
-                logger.debug('ctrl_p stdout {}'.format(stdout))
-                os.unlink(ctrlsocket)
-                mode = None
         # This is expected: It indicates there is not yet a control master for this user on this login node
         except FileNotFoundError as e:
             mode = None
+        # This is a catchall for exceptions I've never seen. log them.
         except Exception as e:
             logger.error('attempting to access control master socket raised exception')
             import traceback
+            sess.lock.release()
+            raise(e)
-        if mode is None:
-            # I an existing control process is recoreded, but we are starting a new one, try to delete the old one
-            if ctrlsocket in sess.ctrl_processes:
-                try:
-                    (stderr,stdout) = sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket].communicate()
-                    logger.debug("control master terminated with stderr {}".format(stderr))
-                    logger.debug("control master terminated with stdout {}".format(stdout))
-                    os.killpg(int(sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket].pid),signal.SIGKILL)
-                    sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket].communicate()
-                    del sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket]
-                except:
-                    pass
+        # If the control process died (docker restarted, or otherwise exited) but the socket was not removed:
+        if mode is not None and ctrlsocket not in sess.ctrl_processes:
+            os.unlink(ctrlsocket)
+            mode = None
+        # I'm not sure I've ever observed this condition in practice
+        if mode is not None and ctrlsocket in sess.ctrl_processes and sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket].returncode is not None:
+            ctrl_p = sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket]
+            logger.debug('The control socket exists, but the process has returned {}'.format(ctrl_p.returncode))
+            (stderr,stdout) = ctrl_p.communicate()
+            logger.debug('ctrl_p stderr {}'.format(stderr))
+            logger.debug('ctrl_p stdout {}'.format(stdout))
+            os.unlink(ctrlsocket)
+            mode = None
-            sshcmd = Ssh.SSHCMDWITHOPTS.copy()
-            sshcmd.extend([
-                      "-S", ctrlsocket,
-                      "-M", '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s',
-                      '-p', sshport, '-N','-l', user, host])
-            env = os.environ.copy()
-            if sess.socket is None:
+        if mode is not None:
+            sess.lock.release()
+            logger.debug('leaving get_ctrl_master_socket {}'.format(sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket].returncode))
+            return ctrlsocket
+        # If an existing control process is recoreded, but the socket is gone, try to kill and restart 
+        if mode is None and ctrlsocket in sess.ctrl_processes:
+            try:
+                logger.error('The socket disapeared. The pid is recoreded, lets kill and restart')
+                p = sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket]
+                del sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket]
+                os.killpg(int(p.pid),signal.SIGKILL)
+                (stderr,stdout) = p.communicate()
+                # we don't need os.unlink(ctrlsocket) be3cause we got here with mode=None indicatating that we couldn't stat the ctrlsocket
+            except:
+                pass
+        sshcmd = Ssh.SSHCMDWITHOPTS.copy()
+        sshcmd.extend([
+                  "-S", ctrlsocket,
+                  "-M", '-o', 'ControlPersist=60s',
+                  '-p', sshport, '-N','-l', user, host])
+        env = os.environ.copy()
+        if sess.socket is None:
+            sess.lock.release()
+            raise SshAgentException("No ssh-agent yet")
+        env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = sess.socket
+        logger.debug("creating master socket")
+        logger.debug(" ".join(sshcmd))
+        ctrl_p = subprocess.Popen(sshcmd,
+                                  stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                  stdin=None,
+                                  env=env)
+        #logger.debug("master spawned, attempt communicate")
+        #stdout, stderr = ctrl_p.communicate()
+        #logger.debug('communicate on the control port complete')
+        logger.debug("spanwed ssh mux with pid {}".format(ctrl_p.pid))
+        #sess.pids.append(ctrl_p.pid)
+        if ctrlsocket in sess.ctrl_processes:
+            logger.debug('existing control process!!!')
+            old_ctrl_p = sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket]
+            old_ctrl_p.poll()
+            if old_ctrl_p.returncode is not None:
+                logger.debug('old ctrl_p is still running?')
+                old_ctrl_p.kill()
+                (stderr,stdout) = old_ctrl_p.communicate()
+                logger.debug('{} {}'.format(stderr,stdout))
+        sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket] = ctrl_p
+        notstarted = True
+        notdead = True
+        wait=0
+        while notstarted and notdead:
+            import time
+            ctrl_p.poll()
+            if ctrl_p.returncode != None:
+                notdead = False
+                (stdout,stderr) = ctrl_p.communicate()
+                logger.error('ctrl_p died {} {} {}'.format(ctrl_p.returncode,stdout,stderr))
-                raise SshAgentException("No ssh-agent yet")
-            env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = sess.socket
-            logger.debug("creating master socket")
-            logger.debug(" ".join(sshcmd))
-            ctrl_p = subprocess.Popen(sshcmd,
-                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                      stdin=None,
-                                      env=env)
-            #logger.debug("master spawned, attempt communicate")
-            #stdout, stderr = ctrl_p.communicate()
-            #logger.debug('communicate on the control port complete')
-            logger.debug("spanwed ssh mux with pid {}".format(ctrl_p.pid))
-            #sess.pids.append(ctrl_p.pid)
-            if ctrlsocket in sess.ctrl_processes:
-                logger.debug('existing control process!!!')
-                old_ctrl_p = sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket]
-                old_ctrl_p.poll()
-                if old_ctrl_p.returncode is not None:
-                    logger.debug('old ctrl_p is still running?')
-                    old_ctrl_p.kill()
-                    (stderr,stdout) = old_ctrl_p.communicate()
-                    logger.debug('{} {}'.format(stderr,stdout))
-            sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket] = ctrl_p
-            notstarted = True
-            notdead = True
-            wait=0
-            while notstarted and notdead:
-                import time
-                ctrl_p.poll()
-                if ctrl_p.returncode != None:
-                    notdead = False
-                    (stdout,stderr) = ctrl_p.communicate()
-                    logger.error('ctrl_p died {} {} {}'.format(ctrl_p.returncode,stdout,stderr))
-                    sess.lock.release()
-                    raise SshCtrlException(stderr.decode())
-                try:
-                    mode = os.stat(ctrlsocket).st_mode
-                    logger.debug('control socket appeared, it must have started')
-                    notstarted=False
-                except FileNotFoundError:
-                    logger.debug('ctrl_p not started yet')
-                    time.sleep(0.5)
-                    wait=wait+1
-                if wait>60:
-                    ctrl_p.kill()
-                    (stdout,stderr) = ctrl_p.communicate()
-                    logger.error('ctrl_p was killed due to timeout {} {} {}'.format(ctrl_p.returncode,stdout,stderr))
-                    sess.lock.release()
-                    raise SshCtrlException(stderr.decode())
-            logger.debug('exiting if section')
+                raise SshCtrlException(stderr.decode())
+            try:
+                mode = os.stat(ctrlsocket).st_mode
+                logger.debug('control socket appeared, it must have started')
+                notstarted=False
+            except FileNotFoundError:
+                logger.debug('ctrl_p not started yet')
+                time.sleep(0.5)
+                wait=wait+1
+            if wait>60:
+                ctrl_p.kill()
+                (stdout,stderr) = ctrl_p.communicate()
+                logger.error('ctrl_p was killed due to timeout {} {} {}'.format(ctrl_p.returncode,stdout,stderr))
+                sess.lock.release()
+                raise SshCtrlException(stderr.decode())
         logger.debug('leaving get_ctrl_master_socket {}'.format(sess.ctrl_processes[ctrlsocket].returncode))
diff --git a/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py b/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py
index a2b63741fe455335154bee9cbbd95973723bc426..559e7dcfe6857f8613b7174d0ab46e752b3460bf 100644
--- a/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py
+++ b/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class SSHSession:
     """Interfaces for working with processes forked from flask
     in particular, we fork processes for ssh-agent and ssh tunnels and execution
-    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
+    def __init__(self,sshsessid,**kwargs):
         self.last = datetime.datetime.now()
         self.socket = None
         self.token = None
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class SSHSession:
         self.ctrl_processes = {}
         self.lock = threading.Lock()
         self.tunnels = []
+        self.sshsessid = sshsessid
     def start_agent(self):
         import subprocess
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ class SSHSession:
         import random
         import string
         from .. import sshsessions
-        from flask import session
+        from flask import session, request
         sshsessid = session.get('sshsessid', None)
         N = 8
         while sshsessid is None:
@@ -246,18 +247,18 @@ class SSHSession:
                 sshsessid = key
                 session['sshsessid'] = sshsessid
         if sshsessid not in sshsessions:
-            sshsessions[sshsessid] = SSHSession()
+            sshsessions[sshsessid] = SSHSession(sshsessid)
-        session = sshsessions[sshsessid]
+        sshsession = sshsessions[sshsessid]
-            SSHSession.test_sshsession(session)
+            SSHSession.test_sshsession(sshsession)
         except SshAgentException:
-            session.kill()
-            sshsessions[sshsessid] = SSHSession()
-            session = sshsessions[sshsessid]
-            SSHSession.test_sshsession(session)
+            sshsession.kill()
+            sshsessions[sshsessid] = SSHSession(sshsessid)
+            sshsession = sshsessions[sshsessid]
+            SSHSession.test_sshsession(sshsession)
-        return session
+        return sshsession
     def remove_sshsession():
diff --git a/test_backend.py b/test_backend.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02bd3815d43c954404c3ea4e17470c84fb9e0c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_backend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+import os
+import requests
+import threading
+#TESBACKEND = "https://strudel2-api-dev.cloud.cvl.org.au/tes"
+#TESBACKEND = "https://strudel2-api-dev.cloud.cvl.org.au/tes"
+#TWSPROXY = "https://strudel2-api-dev.cloud.cvl.org.au"
+FRONTEND = "strudel2-dev.cloud.cvl.org.au"
+COMPUTESITE = ("https://{}/assets/config/computesites.json".format(FRONTEND),
+               "M3")
+APPNAME = "Desktop"
+ACTION = "Connect"
+KEY = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/ssossh-key")
+CERT = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/ssossh-key-cert.pub")
+s = requests.Session()
+def get_apps(cs,user=None):
+    """
+    Using the defintion of the compute site, find out what apps are supported
+    Note comptue sites can either provide a URL with their app definitions
+    or a command to run with their app definitions
+    """
+    if 'appCatalogUri' in cs and cs['appCatalogUri'] is not None:
+        if "https" in cs['appCatalogUri']:
+            path = cs['appCatalogUri']
+        else:
+            path = "https://{}/{}".format(FRONTEND,
+                                          cs['appCatalogUri'].lstrip('.\\'))
+        apps = s.get(path).json()
+        return apps
+    if cs['appCatalogCmd'] is not None:
+        cmd = cs.copy()
+        cmd['statcmd'] = cmd['appCatalogCmd']
+        r = stat(cmd,user)
+        return r
+        #raise Exception("appCatalogCmd is not implemented in this test suite")
+def stat(cs, user):
+    """
+    Run something like squeue to determine what jobs the user has running
+    """
+    import json
+    cookies = {}
+    for k,v in s.cookies.items():
+        cookies[k] = v
+    params = {'statcmd': json.dumps(cs['statcmd']),
+              'host': json.dumps(cs['host']),
+              'username': json.dumps(user)}
+    r = s.get("{}/stat".format(TESBACKEND), params=params, cookies=cookies)
+    return r.json()
+def buildParams(cs, user, app, submitcmd="", cancelcmd=""):
+    import json
+    interface = json.dumps({'submitcmd': submitcmd, 'cancelcmd': cancelcmd})
+    identity = json.dumps({'site': {'host': cs['host']}, 'username': user})
+    return {'app': app, 'identity': identity, 'interface': interface}
+def get_instance(cs, user, job, app, action):
+    """
+    Get parameters such as the port the application is running on and the
+    token or password to access the app
+    """
+    import json
+    params = buildParams(cs, user, app)
+    params['cmd'] = json.dumps(action['paramscmd'])
+    r = s.get("{}/appinstance/{}/{}/{}/{}".format(
+        TESBACKEND,
+        user,
+        cs['host'],
+        job['batch_host'],
+        jobid), params=params)
+    inst = r.json()
+    return inst
+def create_tunnel(cs, user, job, inst, action):
+    """
+    Create an SSH tunnel the the port specified in the inst object
+    """
+    s.post("{}/createtunnel/{}/{}/{}".format(
+        TESBACKEND,
+        user,
+        cs['host'],
+        job['batch_host']),
+        json=inst)
+    return
+def get_url(job, inst, action):
+    """
+    Figure out the correct URL templateing things like passwords and tokens
+    """
+    import json
+    pseudoapp = {'client': {'redir': action['client']['redir'],
+                            'cmd': action['client']['cmd']}}
+    params = {'app': json.dumps(pseudoapp), 'appinst': json.dumps(inst)}
+    r = s.get("{}/appurl".format(TESBACKEND), params=params)
+    return r.text
+def connect_app(url):
+    """
+    See if we can connect to the application
+    We don't test the content, just that the return code is 200
+    """
+    from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
+    import json
+    p = urlparse(json.loads(url))
+    r = s.get("{}://{}{}".format(p.scheme, p.netloc, p.path),
+              params=parse_qs(p.query))
+    if not (r.status_code == 200):
+        raise Exception
+    print("Connection succesfull")
+def start_app(cs, user, app):
+    """
+    Perform job submission
+    The sbatch command here is OK for testing, but is not the real sbatch used
+    To get the Real sbatch command I would need a javascript engine in this
+    test pipeline
+    """
+    sbatch = "sbatch -n 1 --time=00:01:00"
+    params = buildParams(cs, user, app, submitcmd=sbatch)
+    body = {'app': app}
+    r = s.post("{}/submit".format(TESBACKEND), params=params, json=body)
+    stdout = r.json()
+    # On our test system we should see
+    # "Submitted batch job NNNNNN"
+    jobid = int(stdout.split()[3])
+    return jobid
+def wait_app(cs, user, jobid):
+    """
+    Wait for up to 5 minutes for the job to start
+    """
+    import time
+    import datetime
+    interval = 5
+    timeout = 300   # seconds
+    start = datetime.datetime.now()
+    while (datetime.datetime.now()-start).seconds < timeout:
+        jobs = stat(cs, user)
+        try:
+            job = list(filter(lambda x: "{}".format(x['jobid'])
+                              == "{}".format(jobid), jobs))[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            raise Exception("Job disapeared from the queue")
+        if job['state'] == 'RUNNING':
+            return job
+        if job['state'] == 'Finished':
+            raise Exception("Job terminated before we could test it")
+        time.sleep(interval)
+def kill_app(cs, user, jobid):
+    params = buildParams(cs, user, app, cancelcmd=cs['cancelcmd'])
+    s.delete("{}/cancel/{}".format(TESBACKEND, jobid), params=params)
+Translate the globals COMPUTESITE, APPNAME and ACTION
+into their object representations
+sites = s.get(COMPUTESITE[0])
+Setup the authorisation
+This assumes the files KEY and CERT are present contain a valid SSH cert pair
+r = s.get("{}/sshagent".format(TESBACKEND))
+cookies = {}
+for k,v in s.cookies.items():
+    cookies[k] = v
+with open(KEY, 'r') as f:
+    key = f.read()
+with open(CERT, 'r') as f:
+    cert = f.read()
+contents = {"key": key, "cert": cert}
+r = s.post("{}/sshagent".format(TESBACKEND), json=contents, cookies = cookies)
+Verify Authorization worked
+If stat fails at the end of this block, there is little point continuting
+r = s.get("{}/sshagent".format(TESBACKEND), cookies = cookies)
+auths = r.json()
+foundacert = False
+for a in auths:
+    if 'Signing CA' in a:
+        foundacert = True
+        #
+        # Just assume we want to use the
+        # first user the cert is valid for
+        #
+        user = a['Principals'][0]
+if not foundacert:
+    raise Exception("Failed to setup a cert")
+cs = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] == COMPUTESITE[1], sites.json()))[0]
+while True:
+    nthreads=10
+    threads = []
+    for i in range(0,nthreads):
+        threads.append(threading.Thread(target=stat,args=(cs,user)))
+        threads[-1].start()
+    for t in threads:
+        t.join()
+    r = stat(cs,user)
+    print(r)
+#qstat = stat(cs, user)
+    app = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] == APPNAME, get_apps(cs,user)))[0]
+    action = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] == ACTION, app['instactions']))[0]
+    """
+    Perform the sequence of running the app etc. This is:
+        start_app (run sbatch get a jobid)
+        wait_app (wait for the task to transition from
+           pending to running, also returns the host its running on)
+        get_instance (get information such as the port the
+           app is running on and the token/password
+           for this app)
+        create_tunnel (create the SSH tunnel connection to the correct port)
+        get_url (template all parameters so we know what URL the app is served on)
+        connect_app (perform a basic request and verify a 200 OK result)
+        kill_app (perform scancel)
+    """
+    jobid = start_app(cs, user, app)
+    try:
+        job = wait_app(cs, user, jobid)
+        inst = get_instance(cs, user, job, app, action)
+        if 'message' in inst:
+            kill_app(cs, user, jobid)
+        create_tunnel(cs, user, job, inst, action)
+        url = get_url(job, inst, action).format(twsproxy=TWSPROXY)
+        connect_app(url)
+    except Exception:
+        kill_app(cs, user, jobid)
+        exit(1)
+    kill_app(cs, user, jobid)
+print("deleting keys from agent")