diff --git a/TWS/twsproxy/__init__.py b/TWS/twsproxy/__init__.py
index f84e09aaa354e131c2262aa564ec7d93c02c365a..55bbc8ba1988a603cac8148776304c5e7153f187 100644
--- a/TWS/twsproxy/__init__.py
+++ b/TWS/twsproxy/__init__.py
@@ -206,10 +206,16 @@ class TWSProxy(threading.Thread):
                 if msglength > 0:
                 if msglength == 0:
-                    logger.debug('msglength 0, closing {} {}'.format(src,dest))
-                    dest.shutdown(shuttype)
-                    initshutdown.set()
-                    closed = True
+                    """
+                    see https://manpages.debian.org/buster/manpages-dev/recv.2.en.html
+                    in particular
+                    Datagram sockets in various domains (e.g., the UNIX and Internet domains) permit zero-length datagrams. When such a datagram is received, the return value is 0.
+                    """
+                    logger.debug('msglength 0, sending 0 {} {}'.format(src,dest))
+                    dest.send(buff)
+                    #dest.shutdown(shuttype)
+                    #initshutdown.set()
+                    #closed = True
         logger.debug('ending sock copy {} {}'.format(src,dest))