diff --git a/runserver.py b/runserver.py
index 7ce4d40df17440f10b58001637c1eed3a080d55d..438defffcbe1058522be71648ff2480ca80df6b5 100644
--- a/runserver.py
+++ b/runserver.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from tes import app
 import logging
-#logging.basicConfig(filename="tes.log",format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(process)s: %(message)s")
+logging.basicConfig(filename="tes.log",format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(process)s: %(message)s")
diff --git a/tes/apiendpoints.py b/tes/apiendpoints.py
index 5794cca9d33296320bdffa3fad70b48685d7deba..6ecf59f32905210095fb8a7c64e16a70e4e8fffe 100644
--- a/tes/apiendpoints.py
+++ b/tes/apiendpoints.py
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ class SSHAgent(Resource):
             sshsess = SSHSession.get_sshsession()
             if sshsess.socket == None:
+                logger.debug('trying to get the agent contents, but the agent isn\'t started yet')
                 return [] # The agent hasn't even been started yet
             return sshsess.get_cert_contents()
         except Exception as e:
@@ -129,11 +130,18 @@ def get_conn_params():
         appparams = json.loads(appstr)
         appparams = {}
+    try:
+        appinstancestr = request.args.get('appinstance')
+        appinstanceparams = json.loads(appinstancestr)
+    except:
+        appinstanceparams = {}
     params = {}
     params['identity'] = identityparams
     params['interface'] = interfaceparams
     params['app'] = appparams
+    params['appinstance'] = appinstanceparams
     params['user'] = identityparams['username']
@@ -146,14 +154,6 @@ def get_conn_params():
     return params
-def get_app_params():
-    """
-    Return the parameters for the application retrieved from the Session
-    """
-    keys = ['startscript', 'paramscmd', 'client','localbind']
-    appstr = request.args.get('app')
-    returnvalue = json.loads(appstr)
-    return returnvalue
 class TunnelstatEP(Resource):
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ class JobStat(Resource):
         import logging
         logger = logging.getLogger()
+        logger.debug('enteringing JobStat')
             params = get_conn_params()
@@ -225,7 +226,10 @@ class JobStat(Resource):
             cmd = params['interface']['statcmd']
         except (TypeError, KeyError) as e:
             flask_restful.abort(400, message="stat: definition of batch interface incomplete")
+        logger.debug('ssh sess socket is {}'.format(sshsess.socket))
+            logger.debug('attempting ssh execute {} {} {}'.format(host,user,cmd))
             res = Ssh.execute(sshsess, host=host, user=user, cmd=cmd)
         except SshAgentException as e:
@@ -240,6 +244,7 @@ class JobStat(Resource):
             for j in jobs:
                 j['identity'] = params['identity']
+            logger.debug('leaving jobstat gracefully')
             return jobs
         except Exception as e:
             import traceback
@@ -247,12 +252,46 @@ class JobStat(Resource):
             flask_resful.abort(400, message=e)
+class MkDir(Resource):
+    def post(self):
+        import logging
+        logger = logging.getLogger()
+        data = request.get_json()
+        logger.debug('mkdir data')
+        logger.debug(data)
+        params = get_conn_params()
+        sshsess = SSHSession.get_sshsession()
+        Ssh.sftpmkdir(sshsess, host=params['identity']['site']['host'],
+                           user=params['identity']['username'], path=params['path'],name=data['name'])
+        return
 class DirList(Resource):
     def get(self):
         params = get_conn_params()
         sshsess = SSHSession.get_sshsession()
-        dirls = Ssh.sftpls(sshsess, host=params['identity']['site']['host'],
-                           user=params['identity']['username'], path=params['path'],changepath=params['cd'])
+        site = params['identity']['site']
+        if 'dtnport' in site:
+            sshport = site['dtnport']
+        else:
+            sshport = "22"
+        path = params['path']
+        cd = params['cd']
+        if path == "":
+            path = "."
+        if cd == "":
+            cd = "."
+        print('sshport is {}'.format(sshport))
+        if 'lscmd' in site and site['lscmd'] is not None and site['lscmd'] is not "":
+            res = Ssh.execute(sshsess, host=params['identity']['site']['host'], user=params['identity']['username'],
+                                sshport=sshport,
+                                cmd="{} {} {}".format(site['lscmd'],path,cd))
+            dirls = json.loads(res['stdout'].decode())
+            print(dirls)
+        else:
+            dirls = Ssh.sftpls(sshsess, host=params['identity']['site']['host'],
+                               user=params['identity']['username'], path=params['path'],changepath=params['cd'], sshport=sshport)
         return dirls
 class JobCancel(Resource):
@@ -278,6 +317,7 @@ class JobSubmit(Resource):
     def post(self):
         """starting a job is a post, since it changes the state of the backend"""
+        print("entering jobsubmit")
         import logging
         params = get_conn_params()
@@ -288,7 +328,7 @@ class JobSubmit(Resource):
             script = data['app']['startscript'].format(**data)
-            flask_restful.abort(400,message='Incomplete job information was passed to the backend.')
+            flask_restful.abort(400, message='Incomplete job information was passed to the backend.')
         logger.debug('script formated to {}'.format(script))
         res = Ssh.execute(sshsess, host=params['identity']['site']['host'], user=params['identity']['username'],
@@ -311,62 +351,46 @@ def gen_authtok():
     return ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase +
                                                 string.digits) for _ in range(16))
-class JobConnect(Resource):
-    """
-    endpoints for connecting to an existing JobCancel
-    """
-    def create_tunnel(self, username, loginhost, appparams, batchhost, firewall, data):
+class AppUrl(Resource):
+    def get(self):
         import logging
-        logger=logging.getLogger()
-        logger.debug('entering JobConnect.create_tunnel {} {}'.format(username,batchhost))
-        connectparams = {}
+        logger = logging.getLogger()
+        appdef = json.loads(request.args.get('app'))
+        logger.debug('appdef {}'.format(appdef))
+        inst = json.loads(request.args.get('appinst'))
+        logger.debug('appinst {}'.format(inst))
+        url = "{}{}".format(app.config['TWSPROXY'],appdef['client']['redir'].format(**inst))
+        return url
+class AppInstance(Resource):
+    def get(self, username, loginhost, batchhost):
+        """Run a command to get things like password and port number
+        command is passed as a query string"""
         sshsess = SSHSession.get_sshsession()
+        paramscmd = request.args.get('cmd')
+        import logging
+        logger = logging.getLogger()
+        logger.debug('getting appinstance {} {} {}'.format(username,loginhost,batchhost))
+        logger.debug('ssh sess socket is {}'.format(sshsess.socket))
+        cmd = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no {batchhost} '.format(batchhost=batchhost) + paramscmd
+        res = Ssh.execute(sshsess, host=loginhost, user=username, cmd=cmd)
+        try:
+            data = json.loads(res['stdout'].decode())
+        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
+            raise AppParamsException(res['stderr']+res['stdout'])
+        if len(res['stderr']) > 0:
+            raise AppParamsException(res['stderr'])
+        if 'error' in data:
+            raise AppParamsException(data['error'])
+        if not (res['stderr'] == '' or res['stderr'] is None or res['stderr'] == b''):
+            flask_restful.abort(400, message=res['stderr'].decode())
+        return data
-        if 'paramscmd' in appparams and appparams['paramscmd'] is not None:
-            connectparams['batchhost'] = batchhost
-            paramcmd = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no {batchhost} '.format(batchhost=batchhost) + appparams['paramscmd']
-            logger.debug('JobCreate.create_tunnel: using ssh to extract connection parameters')
-            res = Ssh.execute(sshsess, host=loginhost, user=username, cmd=paramcmd.format(data))
-            try:
-                data = json.loads(res['stdout'])
-            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
-                raise AppParamsException(res['stderr']+res['stdout'])
-            if len(res['stderr']) > 0:
-                raise AppParamsException(res['stderr'])
-            if 'error' in data:
-                raise AppParamsException(data['error'])
-            try:
-                connectparams.update(json.loads(res['stdout']))
-            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
-                logger.error(res['stdout'])
-                logger.error(res['stderr'])
-            if not (res['stderr'] == '' or res['stderr'] is None or res['stderr'] == b''):
-                flask_restful.abort(400, message=res['stderr'].decode())
-            if self.validate_connect_params(connectparams, username, loginhost):
-                authtok = gen_authtok()
-                logger.debug('JobCreate.create_tunnel: creating a tunnel for authtok {}'.format(authtok))
-                tunnelport, pids = Ssh.tunnel(sshsess, port=connectparams['port'],
-                                              batchhost=connectparams['batchhost'],
-                                              user=username, host=loginhost,
-                                              internalfirewall=firewall,
-                                              localbind=appparams['localbind'], authtok=authtok)
-                connectparams['localtunnelport'] = tunnelport
-                connectparams['authtok'] = authtok
-                logger.debug('JobCreate.create_tunnel: created a tunnel for authtok {} port {}'.format(authtok,tunnelport))
-            else:
-                raise AppParamsException("connection parameters invalid {} {} {}".format(connectparams,username,loginhost))
-        return connectparams
-    def validate_connect_params(self, connectparams, username, host):
-        if not 'port' in connectparams:
-            return False
-        if not 'batchhost' in connectparams:
-            return False
+class CreateTunnel(Resource):
+    @staticmethod
+    def validate_connect_params(port, username, host, batchhost):
-            intport = int(connectparams['port'])
+            intport = int(port)
         except Exception as e:
             return False
         if ' ' in username or '\n' in username: # This really needs more validation
@@ -375,52 +399,45 @@ class JobConnect(Resource):
             return False
         return True
-    def get(self, jobid, batchhost):
+    def post(self,username,loginhost,batchhost):
-        Connecting to a job is a get operation (i.e. it does not make modifications)
+        Create a tunnel using established keys
+        parameters for the tunnel (host username port etc)
+        will be passed in the body
         import logging
-        logger=logging.getLogger()
-        logger.debug('entering JobConnect.get for jobid {} {}'.format(jobid,batchhost))
-        params = get_conn_params()
-        appparams = get_app_params()
+        logger = logging.getLogger()
+        logger.debug("Createing tunnel")
+        logger.debug("recieved data {}".format(request.data))
         data = request.get_json()
-            connectparams = self.create_tunnel(params['identity']['username'],params['identity']['site']['host'],
-                                            appparams, batchhost, params['interface']['internalfirewall'],
-                                            data)
-        except AppParamsException as e:
-            return make_response(render_template('appparams.html.j2',data = "{}".format(e)))
-        logger.debug('JobConnect.get tunnels created, moving to redirect'.format(jobid,batchhost))
-        return self.connect(appparams, connectparams)
-    def connect(self, appparams, connectparams):
-        """
-        perform the connection either by forking a local client or returning a redirect
-        """
-        import subprocess
-        import logging
-        import json
-        logger=logging.getLogger()
-        if 'cmd' in appparams['client'] and appparams['client']['cmd'] is not None:
-            # We need for fork a local process such as vncviewer or a terminal
-            # We may need a wrapper for local processes to find the correct
-            # process on all OS
-            cmdlist = []
-            for cmdarg in appparams['client']['cmd']:
-                cmdlist.append(cmdarg.format(**connectparams))
-            app_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdlist, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        elif 'redir' in appparams['client'] and appparams['client']['redir'] is not None:
-            twsproxy = app.config['TWSPROXY']
-            data = json.dumps({'location': twsproxy+appparams['client']['redir'].
-                                              format(**connectparams) })
-            response = make_response(data)
-            response.mime_type = 'application/json'
-            response.set_cookie('twsproxyauth', connectparams['authtok'])
-            logger.debug('JobConnect.connect: connecting via redirect with cookie authtok set to  {}'.format(connectparams['authtok']))
-            return response
-        return "Connecting with cmd {}".format(cmdlist)
+            port = data['port']
+        except KeyError as missingdata:
+            raise AppParamsException("missing value for {}".format(missingdata))
+        if not CreateTunnel.validate_connect_params(port, username, loginhost, batchhost):
+            raise AppParamsException("Invalid value: {} {} {} {}".
+                                     format(username, loginhost, batchhost, port))
+        if 'internalfirewall' in data:
+            firewall = data['internalfirewall']
+        else:
+            firewall = False
+        if 'localbind' in data:
+            localbind = data['localbind']
+        else:
+            localbind = True
+        sshsess = SSHSession.get_sshsession()
+        authtok = gen_authtok()
+        # logger.debug('JobCreate.create_tunnel: creating a tunnel for authtok {}'.format(authtok))
+        Ssh.tunnel(sshsess, port=port, batchhost=batchhost,
+                   user=username, host=loginhost,
+                   internalfirewall=firewall,
+                   localbind=localbind, authtok=authtok)
+        response = make_response("")
+        response.mime_type = 'application/json'
+        response.set_cookie('twsproxyauth', authtok)
+        logger.debug('JobConnect.connect: connecting via redirect with cookie authtok set to  {}'.format(authtok))
+        return response
 api.add_resource(TunnelstatEP, '/tunnelstat/<string:authtok>')
@@ -428,8 +445,9 @@ api.add_resource(GetCert, '/getcert')
 api.add_resource(JobStat, '/stat')
 api.add_resource(JobCancel, '/cancel/<int:jobid>')
 api.add_resource(JobSubmit, '/submit')
-api.add_resource(JobConnect, '/connect/<int:jobid>/<string:batchhost>')
-# api.add_resource(SessionTest,'/sesstest')
+api.add_resource(CreateTunnel, '/createtunnel/<string:username>/<string:loginhost>/<string:batchhost>')
+api.add_resource(AppInstance, '/appinstance/<string:username>/<string:loginhost>/<string:batchhost>')
+api.add_resource(AppUrl, '/appurl')
diff --git a/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py b/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py
index 9f43fcc8df0acc9601dce2851e91640a3a4c0558..3b9f6b9c2873078c802d4f3cbac6a9ee32b3826e 100644
--- a/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py
+++ b/tes/sshwrapper/__init__.py
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class Ssh:
-    def get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user):
+    def get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user, sshport):
         Returns the socket for the control master process
         Opens it if needed.
@@ -87,16 +87,18 @@ class Ssh:
             sshcmd = ["ssh", '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
                       "-S", ctrlsocket,
                       "-M", '-o', 'ControlPersist=10m',
-                      '-N','-l', user, host]
+                      '-p', sshport, '-N','-l', user, host]
             env = os.environ.copy()
             if sess.socket is None:
                 raise SshAgentException("No ssh-agent yet")
             env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = sess.socket
+            logger.debug("socket not found, starting new master")
             ctrl_p = subprocess.Popen(sshcmd,
                                       stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                      stdin=None,
-            stdout = ctrl_p.communicate()
+            logger.debug("master spawned, attempt communicate")
+            stdout, stderr = ctrl_p.communicate()
             logger.debug('communicate on the control port complete')
@@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ class Ssh:
             raise SshCtrlException()
         if not stat.S_ISSOCK(mode):
+            logger.error(ctrl_p.stderr.read())
             raise SshCtrlException()
         return ctrlsocket
@@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ class Ssh:
         pwd = None
         import dateutil.parser
         for l in output.splitlines():
             fields = l.split(None,8)
             fd = {}
             if len(fields) == 9:
@@ -138,9 +141,51 @@ class Ssh:
                 pwd = l[len(remotestr):].rstrip()
         return ({'pwd':pwd,'files':rv})
+    @staticmethod
+    def sftpmkdir(sess, host, user, path, name, sshport):
+        """
+        Use sftp to run mkdir.
+        """
+        import os
+        import logging
+        logger = logging.getLogger()
+        env = os.environ.copy()
+        if path is None:
+            path = "."
+        if sess.socket is None:
+            raise SshAgentException("No ssh-agent yet")
+        env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = sess.socket
+        Ssh.validate_username(user)
+        Ssh.validate_hostname(host)
+        ctrlsocket = Ssh.get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user, sshport)
+        exec_p = subprocess.Popen(['sftp', '-b', '-','-o', 'Stricthostkeychecking=no',
+                                   '-P', sshport, '-o', 'ControlPath={}'.format(ctrlsocket),
+                                   '{}@{}'.format(user, host)],
+                                  stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                  stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
+        sftpcmd="cd {}\n mkdir \"{}\"\n".format(path,name)
+        (stdout, stderr) = exec_p.communicate(sftpcmd.encode())
+        if stderr is not None:
+            if not (stderr == b''):
+                logger.error('sftp failure')
+                logger.error(stdout.decode())
+                logger.error(stderr.decode())
+                if ('Couldn\'t create directory: Failure' in stderr.decode()):
+                    return
+                if ('Couldn\'t canonicalize: No such file or directory' in stderr.decode()):
+                    logger.error('can\'t change to that directory')
+                    return
+                if ('Permission denied' in stderr.decode()):
+                    logger.error('can\'t change to that directory')
+                    return
+                raise SshCtrlException()
+        return
-    def sftpls(sess, host, user, path=".",changepath="."):
+    def sftpls(sess, host, user, sshport, path=".",changepath="."):
         Use sftp to run an ls on the given path.
         Return the directory listing (as a list) and the cwd
@@ -154,13 +199,13 @@ class Ssh:
         env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = sess.socket
-        ctrlsocket = Ssh.get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user)
+        ctrlsocket = Ssh.get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user, sshport)
         if (path is None or path == ""):
         if (changepath is None or changepath == ""):
         exec_p = subprocess.Popen(['sftp', '-b', '-','-o', 'Stricthostkeychecking=no',
-                                   '-o', 'ControlPath={}'.format(ctrlsocket),
+                                   '-P', sshport, '-o', 'ControlPath={}'.format(ctrlsocket),
                                    '{}@{}'.format(user, host)],
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                                   stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
@@ -173,10 +218,10 @@ class Ssh:
                 logger.error('sftp failure')
                 if ('Couldn\'t canonicalize: No such file or directory' in stderr.decode()):
                     logger.error('can\'t change to that directory')
-                    return Ssh.sftpls(sess,host,user,path,changepath='.')
+                    return Ssh.sftpls(sess,host,user,sshport, path,changepath='.')
                 if ('Permission denied' in stderr.decode()):
                     logger.error('can\'t change to that directory')
-                    return Ssh.sftpls(sess,host,user,path,changepath='.')
+                    return Ssh.sftpls(sess,host,user,sshport, path,changepath='.')
                 logger.error(('Permission denied' in stderr.decode()))
@@ -188,13 +233,15 @@ class Ssh:
-    def execute(sess, host, user, cmd, stdin=None):
+    def execute(sess, host, user, cmd, stdin=None, sshport="22"):
         execute the command cmd on the host via ssh
         # assume the environment is already setup with an
         # SSH_AUTH_SOCK that allows login
         import os
+        import logging
+        logger = logging.getLogger()
         if cmd is None and stdin is None:
             return {'stdout': b'', 'stderr': b'No command given to execute'}
         env = os.environ.copy()
@@ -204,10 +251,12 @@ class Ssh:
-        ctrlsocket = Ssh.get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user)
+        logger.debug('getting ctrl_master')
+        ctrlsocket = Ssh.get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user, sshport)
+        logger.debug('ssh.execute: got ctrlsocket {}'.format(ctrlsocket))
         exec_p = subprocess.Popen(['ssh', '-A', '-o', 'Stricthostkeychecking=no',
                                    '-S', ctrlsocket,
-                                   '-l', user, host, cmd],
+                                   '-p', sshport, '-l', user, host, cmd],
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                                   stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
         if stdin is not None:
@@ -217,7 +266,7 @@ class Ssh:
         return {'stdout':stdout, 'stderr':stderr}
-    def tunnel(sess, port, batchhost, user, host, internalfirewall = True, localbind = True, authtok = None):
+    def tunnel(sess, port, batchhost, user, host, internalfirewall = True, localbind = True, authtok = None, sshport="22"):
         the ProxyCommand is used if the server we run on the batch host is only
         addressable on localhost
@@ -237,7 +286,7 @@ class Ssh:
-        ctrlsocket = Ssh.get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user)
+        ctrlsocket = Ssh.get_ctrl_master_socket(sess, host, user, sshport)
         logger.debug('Ssh.tunnel, got ctrlsocket')
         localport = Ssh.get_free_port()
@@ -248,7 +297,7 @@ class Ssh:
                       '-L', '{localport}:{batchhost}:{port}'.
                       format(port=port, localport=localport, batchhost=batchhost),
                       '-O', 'forward', '-S', ctrlsocket,
-                      '-l', user, host]
+                      '-p', sshport, '-l', user, host]
             # Create an ssh tunnel to the batch node using a proxycommand.
             # The proxy command should utilise
@@ -261,7 +310,7 @@ class Ssh:
                       '-L', '{localport}:localhost:{port}'.
                       format(port=port, localport=localport),
                       '-o', "ProxyCommand={}".format(proxycmd),
-                      '-l', user, batchhost]
+                      '-p', sshport, '-l', user, batchhost]
         logger.debug('Ssh.tunnel: attempting command {}'.format(sshcmd))
         tunnel_p = subprocess.Popen(sshcmd, env=env)
diff --git a/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py b/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py
index c6b9b5b64083a9d1692d098ae940287390a55be0..6cb7d19e2a97a4261353ec7b6f6caf02a5876a9a 100644
--- a/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py
+++ b/tes/tunnelstat/__init__.py
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ class SSHSession:
         import logging
         logger = logging.getLogger()
         if self.socket is None:
+            logger.debug('adding a cert, start the agent first')
+            logger.debug('agent socket is now {}'.format(self.socket))
         keyf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',delete=False)
         keyname = keyf.name
@@ -160,6 +162,7 @@ class SSHSession:
                 session['sshsessid'] = sshsessid
         if sshsessid not in sshsessions:
             sshsessions[sshsessid] = SSHSession()
         return sshsessions[sshsessid]