""" This module persistently stores informion on tunnels in an in memory structure. """ import datetime import yaml class SshAgentException(Exception): pass class SSHSession: """Interfaces for working with processes forked from flask in particular, we fork processes for ssh-agent and ssh tunnels and execution """ def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.last = datetime.datetime.now() self.socket = None self.token = None self.port = {} self.key = '' self.cert = '' self.pids = [] self.authtok = None self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.sshagent = 'ssh-agent' self.sshadd = '/usr/bin/ssh-add' self.sshkeygen = 'ssh-keygen' self.ctrl_processes = {} def start_agent(self): import subprocess from .. import app import logging import os logger = logging.getLogger() logger.debug('starting agent') if app.config['ENABLELAUNCH'] and os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']: logger.debug('using existing agent') self.socket = os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] return p = subprocess.Popen([self.sshagent],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate() for l in stdout.decode().split(';'): if 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK=' in l: socket = l.split('=')[1] self.socket = socket if 'SSH_AGENT_PID=' in l: pid = l.split('=')[1] self.pids.append(pid) def add_keycert(self,key,cert): import tempfile import os import subprocess import logging logger = logging.getLogger() if self.socket is None: self.start_agent() keyf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',delete=False) keyname = keyf.name keyf.write(key) keyf.close() certf = open(keyname+'-cert.pub',mode='w') certf.write(cert) certf.close() p = subprocess.Popen([self.sshkeygen,'-L','-f','-'],stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) keygenout,keygenerr = p.communicate(cert.encode()) # Examine the cert to determine its expiry. Use the -t flag to automatically remove from the ssh-agent when the cert expires certcontents = SSHSession.parse_cert_contents(keygenout.decode().splitlines()) endtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(certcontents['Valid'][0].split()[3],"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") delta = endtime - datetime.datetime.now() # I *think* the output of ssh-keygen -L is in the current timezone even though I assume the certs validity is in UTC env = os.environ.copy() env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = self.socket cmd = [self.sshadd,'-t',"{}".format(int(delta.total_seconds()))] cmd.append(keyname) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,env=env) (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: logger.error("Couldn't add key and cert") logger.error(stdout) logger.error(stderr) raise SshAgentException() os.unlink(keyname+'-cert.pub') os.unlink(keyname) def get_cert_contents(self): import os import subprocess import logging logger=logging.getLogger() res=[] if self.socket is None: return res env = os.environ.copy() env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = self.socket cmd = [self.sshadd,'-L'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,env=env) (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate() for l in stdout.splitlines(): if b'cert' in l: p = subprocess.Popen([self.sshkeygen,'-L','-f','-'],stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) keygenout,keygenerr = p.communicate(l) certcontents = SSHSession.parse_cert_contents(keygenout.decode().splitlines()) res.append(certcontents) return res @staticmethod def parse_cert_contents(lines): key = None values = [] res = {} for l in lines: l = l.rstrip().lstrip() if ':' in l: if key is not None: res[key] = values values = [] (key,v) = l.split(':',1) v = v.lstrip().rstrip() if v != '': values = [v] else: if l != '': values.append(l) return res def refresh(self): import datetime self.last = datetime.datetime.now() def addkey(self,key,cert): pass def kill(self): import os import signal import logging import time logger=logging.getLogger() logger.debug("shuting down ssh session for {} last seen at {}".format(self.authtok,self.last)) for pid in self.pids: try: os.killpg(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM) # Sometimes this fails and I don't know why try: os.kill(int(pid), 0) # If the first kill worked, this will raise a ProcessLookupError time.sleep(2) os.killpg(int(pid),signal.SIGKILL) logger.error('resorting to sigkill for pid {}'.format(pid)) except ProcessLookupError: pass logger.debug("killed {}".format(pid)) except ProcessLookupError as e: logger.debug("process {} not found".format(pid)) for ctrl in self.ctrl_processes.items(): try: ctrl[1].kill() except: pass try: ctrl[1].wait(5) except: pass try: os.unlink(ctrl[0]) except: pass @staticmethod def test_sshsession(sess): import os import subprocess import logging logger=logging.getLogger() env = os.environ.copy() if sess.socket is None: sess.start_agent() env['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = sess.socket cmd = [sess.sshadd,'-l'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,env=env) (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: """ A non-zero return code can occur if the agent is running but there are no keys loaded This is actually not an error condition """ if b'The agent has no identities' in stdout: return logger.error("Couldn't communicate with the ssh agent") logger.error(stdout) logger.error(stderr) raise SshAgentException() @staticmethod def get_sshsession(): import random import string from .. import sshsessions from flask import session sshsessid = session.get('sshsessid', None) N = 8 while sshsessid is None: key = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(N)) if key not in session: sshsessid = key session['sshsessid'] = sshsessid if sshsessid not in sshsessions: sshsessions[sshsessid] = SSHSession() session = sshsessions[sshsessid] try: SSHSession.test_sshsession(session) except SshAgentException: session.kill() sshsessions[sshsessid] = SSHSession() session = sshsessions[sshsessid] SSHSession.test_sshsession(session) return session @staticmethod def remove_sshsession(): import random import string from .. import sshsessions from flask import session sshsessid = session.get('sshsessid', None) del sshsessions[sshsessid]