diff --git a/src/assets/config/authservers.json b/src/assets/config/authservers.json
index 567a867ae9897f31ae988883ba977fbea02fdcff..68533bfabbd91587bedb4432337590890c1d4ad8 100644
--- a/src/assets/config/authservers.json
+++ b/src/assets/config/authservers.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
       "scope": "user:email",
       "cafp": "RSA SHA256:cmDxHrZQSPlBMUUcI/BWmruXho1XOzfXPDHSqVTwV2I",
       "signup": "https://docs.massive.org.au/M3/requesting-an-account.html",
-      "desc": "The Characterisaion Virtual Laboratory focuses on providing tools necessary for processing various experimental data such as MRI CT and EM imaging techniques.<p>By Authenticating to the CVL you will gain access to the M3 cluster at Monash University"
+      "desc": "The Characterisation Virtual Laboratory focuses on providing tools necessary for processing various experimental data such as MRI, CT and EM imaging techniques.<p>By Authenticating to the CVL you will gain access to the CVL@MASSIVE cluster at Monash University"
       "authorise": "https://sshauthz.cloud.cvl.org.au/pysshauthz/oauth2/oauth/authorize/choose",