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# tasks file for ansible-role-test-openldap-server

 - name: Create {{temp_dir}}

 - name: Install OpenLDAP packages and necessary packages
    name: "{{item}}"
    state: present
    - openldap
    - compat-openldap
    - openldap-clients
    - openldap-servers
    - openldap-devel
   become: true

 - name: Stop OpenLDAP Server
    name: slapd
    state: stopped
   when: clean_all 

 - name: List OpenLDAP Files
   command: "ls /var/lib/ldap"
   register: ldap_files
   when: clean_all 

 - name: Remove OpenLDAP Data
   file: path="/var/lib/ldap/{{item}}" state=absent force=true
    - "{{ldap_files.stdout_lines}}"
   when: clean_all 
 - name: Start OpenLDAP Server
    name: slapd
    state: started
    enabled: True

 - name: Get RootPW for openLDAP
   shell: "slappasswd -s redhat"
   register: ldap_root_rw

 - name: Set RootPW as var
    ROOT_PW: "{{ldap_root_rw.stdout}}"

 - name: Copy db.ldif file to {{temp_dir}}
   template: src="db.ldif.j2" dest={{temp_dir}}/db.ldif

 - name: Modify ldap with db.ldif
   shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL  -H ldapi:/// -f {{temp_dir}}/db.ldif

 - name: Copy monitor.ldif to {{temp_dir}}
   template: src="monitor.ldif.j2" dest={{temp_dir}}/monitor.ldif

 - name: Modify ldap with monitor.ldif
   shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL  -H ldapi:/// -f {{temp_dir}}/monitor.ldif

 - name: Apply SSL
    - name: Copy certs.ldif to {{temp_dir}}
      template: src="certs.ldif.j2" dest={{temp_dir}}/certs.ldif

    - name: Copy Cert to /etc/openldap/certs/
      copy: src={{ssl_cert}} dest=/etc/openldap/certs/{{ssl_cert|basename}} owner=ldap group=ldap

    - name: Copy CA Cert to /etc/openldap/certs
      copy: src={{ssl_ca_cert}} dest=/etc/openldap/certs/{{ssl_ca_cert|basename}} owner=ldap group=ldap 

    - name: Copy Private key to /etc/openldap/certs
      copy: src={{ssl_private_key}} dest=/etc/openldap/certs/{{ssl_private_key|basename}} owner=ldap group=ldap

    - name: Add ldaps:// into /etc/sysconfig/slapd
       path: /etc/sysconfig/slapd
       regexp: 'ldap:\/\/\/'
       line: 'SLAPD_URLS="ldapi:/// ldap:/// ldaps:///"'

    - name: Modify ldap with certs.ldif
      shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL  -H ldapi:/// -f {{temp_dir}}/certs.ldif

    - name: Start OpenLDAP Server
       name: slapd
       state: restarted
   when: ssl
 - name: Test LDAP server
   shell: slaptest -u
   when: ssl

 - name: Check if cosine/nis/inetorgperson data exist(1)
   shell: "ldapsearch -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b \"cn=schema,cn=config\" |egrep '^cn(.*cosine|.*nis|.*inetorgperson)'> ldapsearch_cosine_nis_inet"
   ignore_errors: yes

 - name: Check if cosine/nis/inetorgperson data exist(2)
   shell: "cat ldapsearch_cosine_nis_inet|wc -l"
   register: default_data_exist

 - name: Setup ldap with default example ldif files
   copy: src=/usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example dest=/var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG remote_src=yes 

 - name: Change UID/GID of /var/lib/ldap/*
    path: /var/lib/ldap
    owner: ldap
    group: ldap
    recurse: yes

 - name: Add cosine/nis/inetoragperson ldif to ldap server
   shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/{{item}}
     - cosine.ldif
     - nis.ldif
     - inetorgperson.ldif
   when: default_data_exist.stdout|int < 3

 - name: Copy base.ldif to {{temp_dir}} > this is the default user/group data
   copy: src=base.ldif dest="{{temp_dir}}/base.ldif"
 - name: Add the default user/group data with base.ldif 
   shell: ldapadd -x -w redhat -D "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com" -f {{temp_dir}}/base.ldif 

 - name: Copy user-passwd.ldif to {{temp_dir}}
   copy: src=users-passwd.ldif dest="{{temp_dir}}/users-passwd.ldif"

 - name: Modify pw of users
   shell: ldapadd -x -w redhat -D "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com" -f {{temp_dir}}/users-passwd.ldif

# - name: Firewalld add rule for ldap