gather_facts: false
- name: add user hpctest
name: hpctest
shell: /bin/bash
command: ./sacctmgr -i add account parentAccount cluster=cicd Description="Test parent account" Organization="Monash"
become: true
register: result
failed_when: result.rc != 0 and result.stdout != " Nothing new added."
- name: Create a project associated with a given parent
command: ./sacctmgr -i add account testProject parent=parentAccount cluster=cicd Organization="Monash"
become: true
register: result
failed_when: result.rc != 0 and result.stdout != " Nothing new added."
- name: Create a user and associate them with a project
command: ./sacctmgr -i create user hpctest cluster=cicd account=testProject partition=batch
become: true
register: result
failed_when: result.rc != 0 and result.stdout != " Nothing new added."
#sudo `which sacctmgr` modify user where name=hpctest set maxjobs=200
## 18 sudo `which sacctmgr` update account hpctest set qos=normal
# 22 sudo `which sacctmgr` update account testProject set qos=normal
- name: make sure munge is running
name: munge
state: started
become: true
- name: simple srun test
command: ./srun --ntasks=1 --partition=batch hostname