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Commit 0a7000b3 authored by Chris Hines's avatar Chris Hines
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Merge branch 'ldaptest' into 'master'

adding Ubuntu20 support, chg ldapManager to ldapManagerDN; chg: ldapDomain to ldapBase

See merge request !410
parents 8a5f6a2f c25b6084
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1 merge request!410adding Ubuntu20 support, chg ldapManager to ldapManagerDN; chg: ldapDomain to ldapBase
with 126 additions and 83 deletions
......@@ -8,15 +8,13 @@
file: "{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml"
- name: install system packages apt
apt: name={{ item }} state=present update_cache=true
apt: name={{ system_packages }} state=present update_cache=true
become: true
with_items: "{{ system_packages }}"
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: install system packages yum
yum: name={{ item }} state=present
yum: name={{ system_packages }} state=present
become: true
with_items: "{{ system_packages }}"
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Fixed default configuration
......@@ -89,20 +87,20 @@
become: true
- name: copy cert
copy: src="files/{{ ldapCert }}" dest="{{ ldapCertDest }}"
copy: src="files_services/{{ ldapCert }}" dest="{{ ldapCertDest }}"
become: true
- name: copy ca cert
copy: src="files/{{ ldapCAChain }}" dest="{{ ldapCAChainDest }}"
copy: src="files_services/{{ ldapCAChain }}" dest="{{ ldapCAChainDest }}"
become: true
- name: copy ca root cert
copy: src="files/{{ ldap_TLSCARoot }}" dest="{{ ldapCARootDest }}"
copy: src="files_services/{{ ldap_TLSCARoot }}" dest="{{ ldapCARootDest }}"
become: true
when: ldap_TLSCARoot is defined
- name: copy key
copy: src="files/{{ ldapKey }}" dest="{{ ldapKeyDest }}" mode=600 owner={{ ldapuser }} group={{ ldapgroup }}
copy: src="files_services/{{ ldapKey }}" dest="{{ ldapKeyDest }}" mode=600 owner={{ ldapuser }} group={{ ldapgroup }}
become: true
- name: enable ssl centos
......@@ -115,14 +113,14 @@
become: true
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_distribution_major_version >= '7'
- name: check TLS config
- name: check TLS config is present
shell: "slapcat -b cn=config | grep 'olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: {{ ldapKeyDest }}'"
ignore_errors: true
become: true
register: tlsConfigured
- name: copy db config
copy: src=files/DB_CONFIG dest=/var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG owner=ldap group=ldap mode=644
copy: src=files/DB_CONFIG dest=/var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG owner={{ ldapuser }} group={{ ldapgroup }} mode=644
become: true
- name: start ldap
......@@ -132,7 +130,7 @@
- name: initialise server ssl
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/ssl.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
when: tlsConfigured|failed
when: tlsConfigured.failed
- name: Initialise cosine and ppolicy
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f {{ ldapDir }}/schema/{{ item }}.ldif -D cn=config
......@@ -144,15 +142,22 @@
ignore_errors: true
become: true
- name: check auxposixgroup is present
shell: "slapcat -b cn=auxPosixGroup,cn=schema,cn=config | grep auxPosixGroup"
ignore_errors: true
become: true
register: auxposixgroup
- name: copy the auxposixgroup schema
copy: src="files/auxposixgroup.ldif" dest="{{ ldapDir }}/schema/auxposixgroup.ldif"
become: True
become: true
become_user: root
- name: load the auxposixgroup schema
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f "{{ ldapDir }}/schema/auxposixgroup.ldif" -D cn=config
become_user: root
become: True
become: true
when: auxposixgroup.failed
- name: check ppolicy module loaded
shell: slapcat -b cn=config | grep "olcModuleLoad. {.*}ppolicy"
......@@ -163,7 +168,7 @@
- name: load ppolicy module
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/load_modules.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
when: ppolicyModuleLoaded|failed
when: ppolicyModuleLoaded.failed
- name: check ppolicy overlay config
shell: "slapcat -b cn=config | grep 'dn: olcOverlay={.*}ppolicy,olcDatabase={.*}.db,cn=config'"
......@@ -174,7 +179,7 @@
- name: add ppolicy overlay
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/ppolicy_overlay.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
when: ppolicyOverlayConfigured|failed
when: ppolicyOverlayConfigured.failed
- name: check refint module loaded
shell: slapcat -b cn=config | grep "olcModuleLoad. {.*}refint"
......@@ -185,7 +190,7 @@
- name: load refint module
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/load_refint.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
when: refintModuleLoaded|failed
when: refintModuleLoaded.failed
- name: check memberof module loaded
shell: slapcat -b cn=config | grep "olcModuleLoad. {.*}memberof"
......@@ -196,28 +201,10 @@
- name: load memberof module
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/load_memberof.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
when: memberofModuleLoaded|failed
- name: check member of config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=olcMemberOf"
ignore_errors: true
register: memberOfConfigured
- name: add member of config
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/memberOfConfig.ldif
when: memberOfConfigured|failed
- name: check refinit config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=olcRefintConfig"
ignore_errors: true
register: refintConfigured
- name: add refint config
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/refint_config.ldif
when: refintConfigured|failed
when: memberofModuleLoaded.failed
- name: check Manager config
shell: "slapcat -b cn=config | grep 'olcRootDN: {{ ldapManager }}'"
shell: "slapcat -b cn=config | grep 'olcRootDN: {{ ldapManagerDN }}'"
ignore_errors: true
become: true
register: managerConfigured
......@@ -225,16 +212,33 @@
- name: initialise server manager
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
when: managerConfigured|failed
- name: initialise server manager
# when: managerConfigured.failed
- name: initialise server manager2
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager2.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
ignore_errors: true
when: managerConfigured|failed
- name: initialise server manager
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager3.ldif -D cn=config
# when: managerConfigured.failed
- name: check member of config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=olcMemberOf"
ignore_errors: true
register: memberOfConfigured
- name: add member of config
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/memberOfConfig.ldif -D cn=config
when: memberOfConfigured.failed
become: true
- name: check refinit config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=olcRefintConfig"
ignore_errors: true
register: refintConfigured
- name: add refint config
shell: ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/refint_config.ldif
when: refintConfigured.failed
become: true
when: managerConfigured|failed
# slapcat does a line wrap at character 78. Don't attempt to match on {{ ldapManager }} as it will cross two lines
- name: check ACL config
......@@ -249,57 +253,57 @@
- name: initialise server acls
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/acls.ldif -D cn=config
become: true
when: aclConfigured|failed
when: aclConfigured.failed
- name: check DIT config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=dcObject"
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=dcObject"
ignore_errors: true
register: ditConfigured
- name: add DIT root
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/root.ldif
when: ditConfigured|failed
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/root.ldif
when: ditConfigured.failed
- name: check real Accounts config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapAccountBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapAccountBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
ignore_errors: true
register: realAccountsConfigured
when: ldapAccountBase is defined
- name: add real Accounts OU
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/real_accounts.ldif
when: realAccountsConfigured is defined and realAccountsConfigured|failed
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/real_accounts.ldif
when: realAccountsConfigured is defined and realAccountsConfigured.failed
- name: check Groups config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
ignore_errors: true
register: groupsConfigured
- name: add Groups OU
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/groups.ldif
when: groupsConfigured|failed
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/groups.ldif
when: groupsConfigured.failed
- name: check aclroups config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapAclGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapAclGroupBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
ignore_errors: true
register: aclgroupsConfigured
- name: add aclgroups OU
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/acl_groups.ldif
when: aclgroupsConfigured|failed
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/acl_groups.ldif
when: aclgroupsConfigured.failed
- name: check Accounts config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapUserBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -b {{ ldapUserBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=*"
ignore_errors: true
register: accountsConfigured
- name: add Accounts OU
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/accounts.ldif
when: accountsConfigured|failed
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/accounts.ldif
when: accountsConfigured.failed
- name: check binddn config
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapBindDN }} -w {{ ldapBindDNPassword }} -b {{ ldapDomain }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=dcObject"
shell: "ldapsearch -D {{ ldapBindDN }} -w {{ ldapBindDNPassword }} -b {{ ldapBase }} -x -H ldap://localhost objectClass=dcObject"
ignore_errors: true
register: binddnConfigured
......@@ -312,25 +316,45 @@
become: true
- name: add binddn
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/binddn.ldif
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/binddn.ldif
become: true
when: binddnConfigured|failed
when: binddnConfigured.failed
- name: check pwpolicies config
shell: ldapsearch -D {{ ldapBindDN }} -w {{ ldapBindDNPassword }} -b ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapDomain }} objectClass=*
shell: ldapsearch -D {{ ldapBindDN }} -w {{ ldapBindDNPassword }} -b ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapBase }} objectClass=*
ignore_errors: true
register: pwpoliciesConfigured
- name: add pwpolicies
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -f /tmp/pwpolicies.ldif
when: pwpoliciesConfigured|failed
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -f /tmp/pwpolicies.ldif
when: pwpoliciesConfigured.failed
- name: check defaultPwpolicy config
shell: ldapsearch -D {{ ldapBindDN }} -w {{ ldapBindDNPassword }} -b cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapDomain }} objectClass=*
shell: ldapsearch -D {{ ldapBindDN }} -w {{ ldapBindDNPassword }} -b cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapBase }} objectClass=*
ignore_errors: true
register: defaultPpolicyConfigured
- name: add defaultPwpolicy
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -f /tmp/default_ppolicy.ldif
when: defaultPpolicyConfigured|failed
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -f /tmp/default_ppolicy.ldif
when: defaultPpolicyConfigured.failed
- name: template monitoruser.ldif
template: src=monitoruser.ldif.j2 dest=/tmp/monitoruser.ldif
- name: template monitoruser.ldif
template: src=monitoring.ldif.j2 dest=/tmp/monitoring.ldif
- name: check monitoruser
shell: 'slapcat -b cn=monitor,ou=People,dc=erc,dc=monash,dc=edu,dc=au | grep "cn: monitor"'
ignore_errors: true
register: monitoruser
become: true
- name: add monitoruser
#shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -f /tmp/default_ppolicy.ldif
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManagerDN }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/monitoruser.ldif
when: monitoruser.failed
- name: add monitoruser
shell: ldapmodify -Y external -H ldapi:// -f /tmp/monitoring.ldif
when: monitoruser.failed
dn: {{ dbname }},cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcAccess
olcAccess: {0}to attrs=userPassword by dn="{{ ldapManager }}" write by self write by * auth
olcAccess: {1}to attrs=shadowLastChange by dn="{{ ldapManager }}" write by self write by * read
olcAccess: {0}to attrs=userPassword by dn="{{ ldapManagerDN }}" write by self write by * auth
olcAccess: {1}to attrs=shadowLastChange by dn="{{ ldapManagerDN }}" write by self write by * read
olcAccess: {2}to * by users read by anonymous auth
dn: cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapDomain }}
dn: cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapBase }}
cn: default
objectClass: pwdPolicy
objectClass: top
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcModuleLoad
dn: cn=module,cn=config
objectClass: olcModuleList
cn: module
olcModulePath: {{ module_path }}
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcModuleLoad
dn: cn=module,cn=config
objectClass: olcModuleList
cn: module
olcModulePath: {{ module_path }}
dn: {{ dbname }},cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSuffix
olcSuffix: {{ ldapDomain }}
olcSuffix: {{ ldapBase }}
replace: olcRootDN
olcRootDN: {{ ldapManager }}
olcRootDN: {{ ldapManagerDN }}
dn: olcOverlay=memberof,olcDatabase={2}bdb,cn=config
dn: olcOverlay=memberof,{{ dbname }},cn=config
objectClass: olcConfig
objectClass: olcMemberOf
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
dn: cn=monitor,ou=People,dc=erc,dc=monash,dc=edu,dc=au
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: binddn
sn: binddn
userPassword: {{ ldapBindDNHash.stdout }}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcPPolicyConfig
olcPPolicyHashCleartext: TRUE
olcPPolicyUseLockout: FALSE
olcPPolicyDefault: cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapDomain }}
olcPPolicyDefault: cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapBase }}
dn: ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapDomain }}
dn: ou=pwpolicies,{{ ldapBase }}
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: pwpolicies
dn: olcOverlay=refint,olcDatabase={2}bdb,cn=config
dn: olcOverlay=refint,{{ dbname }},cn=config
objectClass: olcConfig
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcRefintConfig
dn: {{ ldapDomain }}
dn: {{ ldapBase }}
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: {{ ansible_domain }}
ldapDir: "/etc/ldap"
module_path: "/usr/lib/ldap"
- slapd
- ldap-utils
- openssl
ldapuser: openldap
ldapgroup: openldap
dbname: olcDatabase={1}mdb
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