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Commit 67c517ce authored by Shahaan Ayyub's avatar Shahaan Ayyub
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Some Changes to install Karaage on Jessie, see new files...

parent f86b7cad
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with 103 additions and 29 deletions
hosts: ldap-server
- sysctl: name=kernel.hostname value={{ inventory_hostname }} state=present
ignore_errors: yes
- service: name=network state=restarted
when: ansible_os_family == 'Redhat'
# - easy-rsa-CA
# - ldapserver
- easy-rsa-CA
- easy-rsa-certificate
- ldapserver
sudo: true
- x509_ca_server: "{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %}"
- vars/karaageVars.yml
hosts: karaage-server
- sysctl: name=kernel.hostname value={{ inventory_hostname }} state=present
ignore_errors: yes
- service: name=network state=restarted
when: ansible_os_family == 'Redhat'
# - easy-rsa-certificate
- easy-rsa-certificate
- karaage3.1.17
sudo: true
- x509_ca_server: "{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %}"
- vars/karaageVars.yml
......@@ -62,28 +62,28 @@
- name: "Copy CSR to CA"
remote_user: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_ssh_user'] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ x509_ca_server }}"
delegate_to: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_fqdn'] }}"
copy: "src=/tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.csr dest=/etc/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/{{ x509_common_name }}.csr force=yes"
when: needcert
sudo: true
- name: "Sign Certificate"
remote_user: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_ssh_user'] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ x509_ca_server }}"
delegate_to: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_fqdn'] }}"
shell: "cd /etc/easy-rsa/2.0; . ./vars; export EASY_RSA=\"${EASY_RSA:-.}\" ;\"$EASY_RSA\"/pkitool --sign {{ x509_sign_args }} {{ x509_common_name }}"
when: needcert
sudo: true
- name: "Copy the Certificate to ansible host"
remote_user: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_ssh_user'] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ x509_ca_server }}"
delegate_to: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_fqdn'] }}"
fetch: "src=/etc/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/{{ x509_common_name }}.crt dest=/tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ x509_common_name }}.crt fail_on_missing=yes validate_md5=yes flat=yes"
sudo: true
when: needcert
- name: "Copy the CA Certificate to the ansible host"
remote_user: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_ssh_user'] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ x509_ca_server }}"
delegate_to: "{{ hostvars[x509_ca_server]['ansible_fqdn'] }}"
fetch: "src=/etc/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/ca.crt dest=/tmp/{{ inventory_hostname }}/ca.crt fail_on_missing=yes validate_md5=yes flat=yes"
sudo: true
when: "ca_cert.stat.exists == false"
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
name: "Installing easy-rsa"
apt: "name=openvpn state=present update_cache=yes"
apt: "name=easy-rsa state=present"
sudo: True
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
......@@ -22,7 +22,17 @@
creates: /etc/easy-rsa
sudo: True
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' and ansible_distribution_release != 'jessie'
register: installed
name: "Create /etc/easy-rsa/2.0 for Jessie"
file: path=/etc/easy-rsa/2.0 state=directory mode=0755
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' and ansible_distribution_release == 'jessie'
name: "Moving easy-rsa to /etc"
shell: "cp -rf /usr/share/easy-rsa/* /etc/easy-rsa/2.0/"
sudo: True
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' and ansible_distribution_release == 'jessie'
register: installed
- name: "Clean all"
name: Download easy-rsa 2.2.2
get_url: url= dest=/tmp/2.2.2.tar.gz
name: Untar the source
shell: tar xvfz 2.2.2.tar.gz chdir=/tmp creates=/tmp/easy-rsa-2.2.2
name: "Moving easy-rsa to /etc"
shell: cp -rf /tmp/easy-rsa-2.2.2/easy-rsa /etc/ creates=/etc/easy-rsa
sudo: True
register: installed
- name: "Clean all"
shell: " cd /etc/easy-rsa/2.0; . ./vars; export EASY_RSA=\"${EASY_RSA:-.}\"; \"$EASY_RSA\"/clean-all"
creates: "/etc/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/"
when: installed|changed
sudo: true
include: installEasyRsa.yml
include: installEasyRsaSource.yml
include: copyConfigurationFile.yml
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
- python-kgusage
- karaage-cluster-tools
- karaage3-celery
name: "Set Secret Key"
lineinfile: dest=/etc/karaage3/ regexp="SECRET_KEY = ''" line="SECRET_KEY = 'imkaraage'" state=present
......@@ -69,9 +70,6 @@
name: Templating ldap.conf
template: src=client-ldap.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ldap/ldap.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: ansible_fqdn != "{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %}"
name: Add missing ldap entries
shell: kg-manage migrate_ldap
name: "Reloading apache"
service: name=apache2 state=reloaded
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# This file should be world readable but not world writable.
#BASE dc=example,dc=com
#URI ldap://{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %} ldaps://{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %}
URI ldap://{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %} ldaps://{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %}
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ STATICFILES_STORAGE = ''
# default: HTTP_HOST = FQDN hostname
HTTP_HOST = "{% for host in groups['karaage-server'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %}"
HTTP_HOST = "{{ x509_common_name }}"
# A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site
# can serve. This is a security measure to prevent an attacker from poisoning
- include_vars: "{{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_version }}_{{ ansible_architecture }}.yml"
- name: install system packages apt
apt: name={{ item }} state=installed update_cache=true
sudo: true
......@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: hash password
command: /usr/sbin/slappasswd -h {SSHA} -s {{ ldapManagerPassword }}
command: /usr//sbin/slappasswd -h {SSHA} -s {{ ldapManagerPassword }}
register: ldapManagerHash
- name: hash binddn password
......@@ -142,42 +141,42 @@
- name: initialise server ssl
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/ssl.ldif -D cn=config
shell: /usr/bin/ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/ssl.ldif -D cn=config
sudo: true
when: tlsConfigured|failed
- name: initialise server manager
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager.ldif -D cn=config
shell: /usr/bin/ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager.ldif -D cn=config
sudo: true
when: managerConfigured|failed
- name: initialise server manager
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager2.ldif -D cn=config
shell: /usr/bin/ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager2.ldif -D cn=config
sudo: true
ignore_errors: true
when: managerConfigured|failed
- name: initialise server manager
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager3.ldif -D cn=config
shell: /usr/bin/ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/manager3.ldif -D cn=config
sudo: true
when: managerConfigured|failed
- name: initialise server acls
shell: ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/acls.ldif -D cn=config
shell: /usr/bin/ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /tmp/acls.ldif -D cn=config
sudo: true
when: aclConfigured|failed
- name: add DIT root
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/root.ldif
shell: /usr/bin/ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/root.ldif
when: ditConfigured|failed
- name: add Accounts OU
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/accounts.ldif
shell: /usr/bin/ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/accounts.ldif
when: accountsConfigured|failed
- name: add Groups OU
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/groups.ldif
shell: /usr/bin/ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/groups.ldif
when: groupsConfigured|failed
- name: add binddn
shell: ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/binddn.ldif
shell: /usr/bin/ldapadd -x -D {{ ldapManager }} -w {{ ldapManagerPassword }} -x -H ldap://localhost -f /tmp/binddn.ldif
sudo: true
when: binddnConfigured|failed
# LDAP Defaults
# See ldap.conf(5) for details
# This file should be world readable but not world writable.
#BASE dc=example,dc=com
URI {{ ldapURI }}
#DEREF never
# TLS certificates (needed for GnuTLS)
TLS_CACERT {{ x509_cacert_file }}
dn: {{ dbname }},cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcRootPW
replace: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: {{ ldapManagerHash.stdout }}
dn: olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcSecurity
olcSecurity: tls=1
......@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@
- openldap-servers
- openldap-clients
- openssl
dbname: olcDatabase={2}bdb
ldapuser: ldap
ldapgroup: ldap
- slapd
- ldap-utils
- openssl
ldapuser: openldap
ldapgroup: openldap
dbname: olcDatabase={1}mdb
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ ldapGroupBase: "ou=groups,dc=monash,dc=edu,dc=au"
ldapBase: "dc=monash,dc=edu,dc=au"
ldapURI: "{% for host in groups['ldap-server'] %}ldaps://{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }}{% endfor %}"
smtp_smarthost: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
x509_ca_server: ""
ldapManagerPassword: "imldap"
ldapBindDNPassword: "imbinddn"
domain: ""
......@@ -24,4 +23,4 @@ x509_cert_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/server.crt"
x509_cacert_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt"
x509_csr_args: ""
x509_sign_args: "{{ x509_csr_args }}"
x509_common_name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
x509_common_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
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