3 merge requests!518modifications to playbooks because 1. we're not using ldap 2. we're mounting...,!517modifications to playbooks because 1. we're not using ldap 2. we're mounting...,!513modifications to playbooks because 1. we're not using ldap 2. we're mounting...
# - echo [ `grep changed= ./nochange.log -c` = `grep changed=0 ./nochange.log -c` ] > bashtest.sh# a crude way to make sure all changed lines are equal to changed=0
# Note to self: deactivated because it is broken. please fix it again - bash -e ./tests/run_tests.sh slurm "files/inventory.$STACKNAME" "../gc_key.pem"
-ansible -i files/inventory.$STACKNAME --key-file ../gc_key.pem -a 'sudo su - user1 -c whoami' LoginNodes,ComputeNodes# to test ldap
-ansible -i inventory.yml -a 'sudo su - user1 -c whoami' LoginNodes,ComputeNodes# to test ldap