- May 27, 2021
- Aug 11, 2020
Andreas Hamacher authored
Added listdeps, which output a list softwares that depend on the any given module. Added software_usage, which count the number of occurence for each modules in module logging and sort them in desceding order. Added smoke_test, which is the driver for running test cases under smoke_test/tests folder
- Jul 27, 2020
lche0021 authored
added application_report script which generate the usage of module logging for past 180 days and the list of softwares that depend on it
- Jul 21, 2020
lche0021 authored
Added listdeps, which output a list softwares that depend on the any given module. Added software_usage, which count the number of occurence for each modules in module logging and sort them in desceding order. Added smoke_test, which is the driver for running test cases under smoke_test/tests folder