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Ali Memon ali.memon
Angelika Dibijo angelika.dibijo
Chris Hines chines
David Powell dpowell
Geoff Duniam geoff.duniam
George Fedorov george.fedorov
Gin Tan gintan
Jay Van Schyndel Jay.vanSchyndel
Lex Gallon lex.gallon
Mitchell Hargreaves mitchell.hargreaves
Philip Chan philipc
Rohan Hirimuthugoda rohan.hirimuthugoda
Simon Forsayeth simon.forsayeth
Simon Michnowicz smichnow
Slava Kitaeff slava.kitaeff
- Jul 04, 2016
fix up /etc/hosts tempalte to include ldap and repo. fix the mode · 442b9f17Chris Hines authored
on the sudoers config remove some other repos that shouldn't be there
- Feb 10, 2016