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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • 20180923
  • 20181019
  • 20181022
  • 201902
  • 24june
  • 34-nvme-disk-not-mounted
  • AddKaraageCommitVersion
  • CRAMSdev
  • FixCvlSssdConfig
  • FixSlurmConfigBackup
  • Oct2018
  • Sep2019
  • a16s
  • add-pmiX-functionality-to-slurm01
  • add_slurmstats
  • add_strigger_clusterbuild
  • admin_packages
  • allow_private_network_input
  • ansible_include_errors
  • autoupdate_update
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.015Sep137616Aug1112115432129Jul25222120136424Jun222120191614137231May30272625181243228Apr2726222018151454130Mar242322211714109312129Feb23191511109422Jan151217Dec158742126Nov2524201918171110543230Oct28272620161514830Sep292524232221181716141311109874131Aug292827262521201914131210754331Jul3024232220171473229Jun1918159842122May212019151387630Apr29161310923Mar2017161310910install scripts to the correct nhc directoryMerge branch 'nhc_scripts' into 'master' add a set of NHC checking scriptsMerge branch 'better_conditionals' into 'master' Merge branch 'tweaks' into 'master' add role ssh-keepalive, which uses keepalive packets to prevent firewalls closing inactive ssh connectionswhen upgrading, reboot if the kernel changesremove an unnecessary task in ssh setupsince nvidia-probe always outputs valid json now, remove unncessary conditionalsmake sure nvidia-probe always outputs valid json, even if nothing is presentadd better conditionals to installing mellanx and nvidia driversMerge branch 'slurm' into 'master' Merge branch 'upgrade' into 'master' Merge branch 'mellanox_drivers' into 'master' reboot after upgrading the kernelmake our centos7 instances start kde instead of mate'tweak the variables on the provision_slurm rolefactor out all the directory creation for slurm into its own yml file for readabilityrotate the slurm log correctlyreboot after installing mellanox driversMerge branch 'gpu' into 'master' Merge branch 'repos' into 'master' remove the epel-testing repo if it appears somehowtweak the gpu role to create xorg.conf filesmanual mergemissing some directory creationMerge branch 'pam_slurm' into 'master' Merge branch 'UpdateLdapServer' into 'master' Merge branch 'modules' into 'master' forgot the templates for enable_modulescompile and install the pam_slurm moduleremove templatiting of pam_ldap.conf, we use sssd insteadadd acl groupsfixed ldiffixed statementupdateadd more search specificAdd refint and memberof configurationMerge branch 'grestemplate1' into 'master' added role for installing sys admin packagesadmin_packagesadmin_packages