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  • 20180923
  • 20181019
  • 20181022
  • 201902
  • 24june
  • 34-nvme-disk-not-mounted
  • AddKaraageCommitVersion
  • CRAMSdev
  • FixCvlSssdConfig
  • FixSlurmConfigBackup
  • Oct2018
  • Sep2019
  • a16s
  • add-pmiX-functionality-to-slurm01
  • add_slurmstats
  • add_strigger_clusterbuild
  • admin_packages
  • allow_private_network_input
  • ansible_include_errors
  • autoupdate_update
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Jul2120136424Jun222120191614137231May30272625181243228Apr2726222018151454130Mar242322211714109312129Feb23191511109422Jan151217Dec158742126Nov2524201918171110543230Oct28272620161514830Sep292524232221181716141311109874131Aug292827262521201914131210754331Jul3024232220171473229Jun1918159842122May212019151387630Apr29161310923Mar201716131091096323Feb2019181918171254tweaking the extra packages. Make sure our experimental mellanox repo is disabled. Clean the cache before installation (as disks may fill up)Merge branch 'extra_packages' into 'master'update the extra pacakges role to make it easier to cluster specific package listsMerge branch 'nfs-client' into 'master'Removeddownload mellanox drivers from our serverMerge branch 'm3' into 'master'remove m3_networking as it is highly site specificMerge branch 'filesystems' into 'master'Merge branch 'chris_gpu_update' into 'master'Merge branch 'm3_networking' into 'master'Merge branch 'extra_packages' into 'master'Merge branch 'mellanox' into 'master'Merge branch 'source_code' into 'master'Merge branch 'update_gpu' into 'master'Merge branch 'update_makehosts' into 'master'role to configure routes and mellanox device name. Add the drivers to this role latterinitial commit of extra_packages role, derived from extra_rpms role in cvlmissing templateallow us to make a filesystem on an ephemeral disk as well as using a cinder volume supplied with ansible metadataerror in the role, template had incorrect namedownload source code from a server under our control to speed things upupdates to the gpu roleupdate the process for generating the /etc/hosts file to make it more robustMerge branch 'bits_and_pieces' into 'master'rename extra_rpms role to extra_packagesMerge branch 'nhc_role' into 'master'fix up /etc/hosts tempalte to include ldap and repo. fix the modebranch nhc out of slurm-common into its own roleMerge branch 'nagios_update' into 'master'nagios_server updatesmodified to remove apache role and other stuff not strictly necessaryxdmod-rolexdmod-rolefirst insert of cron jobxdmod commitfirst commit for xdmod roleMerge branch 'master' of into simonNFSFixfirst changenew gpu driver deploymentMerge branch 'calculateKnownHosts' into 'master'rework of the known_hosts template for simplicity and robustness