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  • 20180923
  • 20181019
  • 20181022
  • 201902
  • 24june
  • 34-nvme-disk-not-mounted
  • AddKaraageCommitVersion
  • CRAMSdev
  • FixCvlSssdConfig
  • FixSlurmConfigBackup
  • Oct2018
  • Sep2019
  • a16s
  • add-pmiX-functionality-to-slurm01
  • add_slurmstats
  • add_strigger_clusterbuild
  • admin_packages
  • allow_private_network_input
  • ansible_include_errors
  • autoupdate_update
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.01Dec30Nov292618109429Oct2827262119181514131211987654229Sep2321201787130Aug2524429Jul28272625241913126530Jun29281716743131May2725242120191716131110765429Apr22201913829Mar25241918151411109843225Feb24232221181716111098742128Jan19181215Dec111032130Nov262420181716131211330Oct222120191816151413987629Sep2423211716ignore errors on firewalld .... if its not there ansible might dieif we don't have a user ssh ca because this is a CI cluster don't stress that we can't set it upMerge branch 'mig' of into migmore verbosityremove an option which is no longer validmissing importneed to create two more config files for pipeline to workdisable systemd-logind so pam_slurm_adopt works properlyMerge branch 'xconf-gen' into 'master'Xconf genMerge branch 'telegraf20' into 'master'Update telegraf versiontelegraf20telegraf20Merge branch 'kerriw-master-patch-04440' into 'master'Update roles/telegraf/templates/telegraf.conf.j2kerriw-master-p…kerriw-master-patch-04440fib up malformed blockMerge branch 'userca' into migtyposlurm 21.08.3git add CICD/plays/allnodes.yml CICD/plays/computenodes.yml CICD/pre_templates/slurm.conf.j2 CICD/pre_templates/slurm_vars.j2 CICD/vars/versions.yml roles/slurm-common/tasks/installCgroup.yml roles/slurm-common/tasks/installSlurmFromSource.yml roles/slurm-common/templates/plugstack.conf.j2 roles/slurm-start/tasks/main.yml roles/slurm_config/tasks/main.yml roles/slurmdb-config/tasks/main.yml!Merge branch 'mlaas-ci' into 'master'no need to have the sources if the build existsno need to have the sources if the build existsfix conditional block againonly disbale selinux on redhat, this crashes ubuntu because selinux is not installed by defaulttest for existing ucx_info before attempting to compile ucxMerge branch 'master' of into mlaas-ciMerge branch 'mellanox_config' into 'master'Mellanox configMerge branch 'baremetalfixes' into 'master'Baremetalfixesadd roles for the user ssh_ca and setting the ssh host keysusercausercaMerge branch 'xorgconfgen' into 'master'XorgconfgenMerge branch 'monashepelrepo' into 'master'changing name of monashhpc_epel to not clash with the public epelMerge branch 'nopasswd_ec2-user-sudo' into 'master'Merge branch 'mlaas-ci' of into mlaas-ciadding an option to specify a nopasswd user to the role because we cannot just rely on the OS-image having thatrun nvidia-smi before mig parted to ensure module is loadedadd roles to install nvidia mig tools and cudaMerge branch 'pam_sshd_ubuntu' into 'mlaas-ci'