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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • 20180923
  • 20181019
  • 20181022
  • 201902
  • 24june
  • 34-nvme-disk-not-mounted
  • AddKaraageCommitVersion
  • CRAMSdev
  • FixCvlSssdConfig
  • FixSlurmConfigBackup
  • Oct2018
  • Sep2019
  • a16s
  • add-pmiX-functionality-to-slurm01
  • add_slurmstats
  • add_strigger_clusterbuild
  • admin_packages
  • allow_private_network_input
  • ansible_include_errors
  • autoupdate_update
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.01Aug29Jul25222120136424Jun222120191614137231May30272625181243228Apr2726222018151454130Mar242322211714109312129Feb23191511109422Jan151217Dec158742126Nov2524201918171110543230Oct28272620161514830Sep292524232221181716141311109874131Aug292827262521201914131210754331Jul3024232220171473229Jun1918159842122May212019151387630Apr29161310923Mar201716131091096323Feb2019181918Add option of backupFixSlurmConfigB…FixSlurmConfigBackupcopy skel files into user homeMerge branch 'provision_slurm' into 'master' Merge branch 'nhc' into 'master' Merge branch 'slurm-common' into 'master' only install munge if it isn't already installedallow provision_slurm to take a path to the lockfile so its on a directory shared between managment nodesonly try to install nhc if its not already isntalledMerge branch 'provision_homedir' into 'master' update provision_homedir, pass the mntpt variable to indicate where homedirectories are mountedMerge branch 'gpu' into 'master' forgot to commit templates for gpu roleMerge branch 'master' into gpuMerge branch 'mellanox' into 'master' update the mellanox role so drivers will build support for new kernels. Also new driver versionenable the persistence daemon and set the graphics operation mode (GOM)Fixed commit version statementAddKaraageCommi…AddKaraageCommitVersionAdd karaage version, fixed calculateEtcHostsMerge branch 'extra_packages' into 'master'tweaking the extra packages. Make sure our experimental mellanox repo is disabled. Clean the cache before installation (as disks may fill up)Merge branch 'extra_packages' into 'master'update the extra pacakges role to make it easier to cluster specific package listsMerge branch 'nfs-client' into 'master'Removeddownload mellanox drivers from our serverMerge branch 'm3' into 'master'remove m3_networking as it is highly site specificMerge branch 'filesystems' into 'master'Merge branch 'chris_gpu_update' into 'master'Merge branch 'm3_networking' into 'master'Merge branch 'extra_packages' into 'master'Merge branch 'mellanox' into 'master'Merge branch 'source_code' into 'master'Merge branch 'update_gpu' into 'master'Merge branch 'update_makehosts' into 'master'role to configure routes and mellanox device name. Add the drivers to this role latterinitial commit of extra_packages role, derived from extra_rpms role in cvlmissing templateallow us to make a filesystem on an ephemeral disk as well as using a cinder volume supplied with ansible metadataerror in the role, template had incorrect name