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  • 20180923
  • 20181019
  • 20181022
  • 201902
  • 24june
  • 34-nvme-disk-not-mounted
  • AddKaraageCommitVersion
  • CRAMSdev
  • FixCvlSssdConfig
  • FixSlurmConfigBackup
  • Oct2018
  • Sep2019
  • a16s
  • add-pmiX-functionality-to-slurm01
  • add_slurmstats
  • add_strigger_clusterbuild
  • admin_packages
  • allow_private_network_input
  • ansible_include_errors
  • autoupdate_update
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.025Jun12119854329May282726252120191514131210543130Apr2927262423222120171615141211963231Mar30272625181716131211109876543228Feb272019181716131243231Jan3029282221820Dec1817161312added check_scratch_dir.nhcensure yum may fail and not stall foreverMerge branch 'movechecksummarize' into 'master'moving check_summary from clusterbuild and adding a quick and dirty 3 line featureMerge branch 'centos76' into 'master'ignoring vars for the loginnode hereMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pamExcludeUbuntu' into centos76updating whamcloud repositoryfixing slurm on ubuntuadding required vars to test pipelineleft debug code in thereMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pamExcludeUbuntu' into centos76changing stage order to only run testlustre after sucessfull pipelineexcluding pam_sssd from ubuntu because it is borkedreverting changejust more expressive namerunning pam.d only on redhat nodesfacts are not gathered so ansible_fqdn cannot be usedaligning name with stateeliminating one more changedremoving transient domainname changeavoiding unnecessary changedinjecting domain name from vars/names.yml rather than ansible_domaininjecting domain name from vars/names.yml rather than ansible_domainthe kmod-ofa-kernel is installed via the mlnxofedinstall so it should not need to be handled separatelyimproveworsening service detectionsadding a force cache update task in case the yum repositories changeexcluding kmod-mlnx-ofa_kernel from upgradeschg: deprecated loop action on packagesremoving kmod mlnx-kernel and removinf --forcemanually removing conflicting modulesneed name: * to perform global upgradeworking on version pinning of kernel,lustre,mlnx and cleaning up some roles. changing upgrade to NO_CHANGEDrefactoring reboot procedurerole refactoring. quite a few changes!Merge branch 'march_maintenance' into 'master'factoring out the repository path to be able to switch between centos and centos-stagingMerge branch 'createClusterRaceCond' into 'master'Create cluster race condadding influxdb server code