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Fix arwu subject

Stewart Craig requested to merge fix-arwu-subject into master

Includes updates to fix ARWU subject scrape bug (#12 (closed)) and updates to data sets and other minor cleaning.

Details of updates:

  • ur_scrape_arwu_subject fixed to handle scraping of 2020 (fixed #12 (closed)). Due to change in format of data on ARWU website for 2020 subject ranks, error caused when trying to attach column names (as now additional National/Regional Rank column). Added function get_subject_colnames that checks which year data is requested for and returns appropriate column names. As part of the, also returns new Q1 metric column name that has replaced PUB metric
  • Updated data sets for Times and QS to include 2020 data
  • Fixes bug that was caused in Times example documentation due to outdated JSON URLs for rankings. Replaced to include correct JSON URLS
  • Minor updates to documentation as relevant
  • Replace as_data_frame with as_tibble (as_data_frame is now deprecated)

Merge request reports
